

slang One's nose. Put your smeller up to these roses I just brought in from the garden. Don't they smell divine? The ball hit her right in the smeller.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. (one’s) nose. I think my smeller’s gone bad because of my cold.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • whiffer
  • he who smelt it dealt it
  • smelt
  • roses, roses all the way
  • roses, roses, all the way
  • I smell you
  • wake up and smell the coffee
  • crown
  • crown (someone or something) with (something)
  • crown with
References in periodicals archive
When the researchers crossreferenced their causes of death with their results in the smell test, they found the poorest smellers had a 46% greater risk of dying within 10 years than the strongest ones.
In Nanjing, China, where one of our labs is located, our super smellers conduct about 300 odour tests each year on materials and components that go into our vehicles.
Gather all kinds of food that have odors ranging from strong smellers (onion, mustard, cinnamon and other spices) to subtle smellers.
The women were asked to be the "smellers" because they tend to have a better sense of smell than men.
Then the samples are mailed overnight to groups of trained smellers. These experts use their noses to judge the strength of smells.
Then he categorised animals into what were basically called the smellers (most mammals) and the non-smellers (including humans).
101) "The result of an act of smelling is thus spatial: smellers subsequently move toward or away from the odor, as well as relational: smellers are not just interested in the subjective experience of the odor, but are in some manner concerned with the source of that odor."
Really good smellers could have detected way more than 1 trillion odor mixtures, the scientists said.
Under the policy, the first time a complaint about someone smoking is substantiated with help from the Board of Health as independent "smoke smellers,'' the tenant gets a written warning.
The discovery "revises this current idea that humans are terrible smellers," Leslie Vosshall, who led the study, tells Reuters.
"I hope our paper will overturn this terrible reputation that humans have for not being good smellers," she says.
Full of humour and inappropriate jokes the six "wetterschmocker" (weather smellers) each take it in turns to announce their findings to a packed and lively audience.
The Cherokee Indians grouped plants into categories based on similar morphological characteristics (such as plants that have strong odors--"smellers") and augmented by qualifiers that referred to cultural requirements, uses, or other characteristics (Cozzo 2004, 23).
Their smellers are far superior to ours and too much scent on the ground will alarm them.
Tell students that koalas are excellent smellers. They use their noses to tell which eucalyptus leaves are safe to eat!