sooner the better

the sooner the better

As soon as possible; right away. Please have compile a report of all our financials from the last two quarters, the sooner the better.
See also: better, sooner
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

sooner the better

The sooner something [referred to] gets done, the better things will be. Bob: When do you need this? Mary: The sooner the better. Bob: Please get the oil changed in the station wagon. The sooner the better. Alice: I'll do it today.
See also: better, sooner
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • sooner the better, the
  • the sooner the better
  • all the better
  • all to the better
  • so much the better
  • be better placed
  • be well, ideally, better, etc. placed for something/to do something
  • ideally
  • couldn't be better
  • better half, my
References in classic literature
(said she) the servants are out." "I think we had." (replied I.) "Certainly, (added my Father) by all means." "Shall we go now?" (said my Mother,) "The sooner the better." (answered he.) "Oh!
Bruff thinks as I think, that the whole story ought, in the interests of truth, to be placed on record in writing--and the sooner the better."
But then, you see, I had firmly realised this, that she would sooner recover from our separation than from our marriage; that her love for me, pretty and poignant and dramatic while it lasted, was a book- born, book-fed dream, which must die soon or late,--the sooner the better for the peace of the dreams that in the course of nature would soon spring up to take its place.
One has to think of the children some time or other; the sooner the better."
But if she can marry blood, beauty, and bravery-- the sooner the better."
So you must get a publisher for it - the sooner the better."
"Choose your own time, my poor child, and come and stay with me at Brighton; the sooner the better." Emily shrank--not from accepting the invitation--but from encountering Francine.
And for the first time the idea clearly presented itself that it was essential to put an end to this false position, and the sooner the better. "Throw up everything, she and I, and hide ourselves somewhere alone with our love," he said to himself.
"Yea, my old man wonna come back to me, but I shall go to him--the sooner the better. Well, ye may do as ye like wi' me: there's a clean cap i' that drawer, an' I'll go i' the back kitchen an' wash my face.
"Well, let us go to sleep -- let us go to sleep; and the sooner the better. My mind is wearied with my evening's work, and will see things to-morrow more clearly than to-day."
"Let her go, and the sooner the better; she won't be trying to domineer over me again in a hurry."
The sooner the better, for we do not know what their next move may be."
"Ye may kill me, if ye choose,--the sooner the better! Wish't I was dead!" said she.
"I think the sooner the better so hopefully Newcastle can start looking forward."
When are they going to get them sorted?The sooner the better.