slip past (someone or something)

slip past (someone or something)

1. To circumvent or circumnavigate someone or something in a surreptitious or inconspicuous manner; to avoid or evade someone or something. The criminal slipped past the police roadblock undetected. I cornered the thief, but he managed to slip past me.
2. To sneak or smuggle someone or something (to or through some place) without being noticed or scrutinized by someone or something else. My brother and his friends tried to slip me past the bouncer so I could go in and have a beer with them, but he checked our IDs and turned me away. The company has been fined $3.5 million for slipping a number of safety defects past regulators.
See also: past, slip
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

slip someone or something past someone or something

to cause someone or something to move past someone or something unnoticed; to manage to get something past the scrutiny of someone. I slipped another one of my friends past the usher into the theater. Do you think I can slip this sausage past the customs officers? I slipped a note past the guard.
See also: past, slip

slip past someone or something

to sneak or move past someone or something unnoticed. It is impossible to slip past the armed guards and metal detectors. Do you think lean slip past the doorway without being seen?
See also: past, slip
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • be/have done with somebody/something
  • be in line with (someone or something)
  • better of
  • (someone or something) promises well
  • begin with
  • begin with (someone or something)
  • bird has flown, the
  • beware of
  • beware of (someone or something)
  • be rough on (someone or something)