Spot checks are now required twice yearly as required in ALNAV 070/07, DTG 042232Z of Oct.
Hold your breaches!
Figure 11 illustrates the number of annual permit inspections and the backlog that had developed prior to the
spot check program, and the number of permit and
spot check inspections that were able to be performed after the
spot check program was implemented.
San Diego FOG program increases efficiency and effectiveness with GIS
I READ in Tuesday's Examiner (October 6) with regard to the story of Kirklees Council carrying out
spot checks on taxi drivers.
More checks on taxis; FEEDBACK
PUBS across Stockton are being told to ensure drinkers are not short changed this Christmas after a
spot check found a number serving short measures.
Landlord claims 'stitch-up' after spot check on pints
In another case, same
spot check team at the same spot intercepted a Suzuki Mehran Car registered No.
ANF recovered 14 kgs opium & 14 kgs charas
Global Banking News-June 4, 2012--UK FSA to
spot check on financial companies(C)2012 ENPublishing -
-UK FSA to spot check on financial companies
The people caught in the
spot check include 196 street vendors, 63 beggars, 20 car washers and three illegal butchers and fish cleaners.
Regular inspections help catchillegal workers and beggars
Officers from the UK Border Agency carried out a
spot check at Benny's Chicken takeaway, in Church Street, on November 1 to check the immigration status of all staff working there.
TAKEAWAY FACES HEFTY FINE FOR ILLEGAL WORKER; Fast-food restaurant could have to pay up to pounds 10,000
SPOT CHECK: Officers carrying out safety checks on taxis in Tyneside
Police forcing bogus cabbies off the streets; CRACKDOWN ON SAFETY OF VEHICLES AND UNLICENSED DRIVERS
But Kwik-Fit's annual nationwide tyre
spot check found that 46 per cent of cars in the UK are driven with at least one under-inflated tyre.
Tyre-d of big bills?
A WIRRAL restaurant was fined more than pounds 10,000 after dead flies and rotting food were found during a
spot check by environmental health officers.
Following the
spot check, Liberal MP Donald Gorrie met with management at the airport and received assurances that training will be intensified and that the airport will consider quicker rotations for staff screening bags at security points according to PA News.
Edinburgh Airport re-training rota to be sped up in light of recent failed security tests
The Welsh Ambulance Service promises immediate action - let's hope the next unannounced
spot check will find that they have kept their word.
Ambulance service must clean up its act; DAILY POST OUR VIEW
Spot check truancy sweeps in Stockton have revealed a drop in the number of youngsters skipping school.
Truancy numbers falling