

old-fashioned slang Money; cash. Primarily heard in US. A: "All right, wise guy, show us the merchandise!" B: "Now, hold on a second. No one gets to see a thing until you show me the spondulicks, capiche?" Look , I like you kid, I really do. But this is a business, and the thing I care about first and foremost is making spondulicks!


old-fashioned slang Money; cash. Primarily heard in US. A: "All right, wise guy, show us the merchandise!" B: "Now, hold on a second. No one gets to see a thing until you show me the spondulics, capiche?" Look , I like you kid, I really do. But this is a business, and the thing I care about first and foremost is making spondulics!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and spondulics and spondulix (spɑnˈdulɪks)
n. money. How much spondulicks will this set me back?


See spondulicks
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • spondulicks
  • spondulix
  • spondoolies
  • chip
  • be one of the boys
  • be one of the lads
  • be one of the lads/boys/girls
  • (as) dead as mutton
  • fall off the back of a lorry
  • a word to the wise is enough
References in periodicals archive
But in order to avoid controversy, he swiftly pledged to hand his winning spondulics over to charity.
More than a few words arrived from America by way of popular culture: "pictures" (cinema), as well as "poke", "scratch" and "spondulics" (money).
"Spondulics" is an American invention; the origin of "dosh" and "splosh" are mysterious.