The impact of split adjusting and rounding on analysts' forecast error calculations
rounding errors prevent LAPACK subroutine DGEEVX from preserving the Hamiltonian eigenvalue plus-minus pairs, the tables below report only the computed eigenvalues with nonnegative real part.
Algorithm 800: Fortran 77 Subroutines for Computing the Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian Matrices I: The Square-Reduced Method
Thus, a blue or green pole has a good chance of being genuine and useful for approximation, whereas pink and red poles are likely to be artifacts introduced by
rounding errors.
Robust rational interpolation and least-squares
The number and percent distribution of workers paid hourly rates at or above $7.15 for regions and divisions were derived from State totals and may therefore include slight
rounding error. It is not possible to determine definitively whether workers surveyed in the CPS are actually covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act or by individual State minimum wage laws.
Proportions of workers in selected pay ranges, by region and State
Salamon said the tools will help nations improve their overall understanding of the size and scope of their nonprofit sectors, which had been regarded as little more than
rounding error statistically in the past.
International measurement: assessment tool judges NGO values. (Economic Impact)
Asked about the 70 percent tax plan in an interview earlier this month, Bill Gates, formerly the richest person in the world, made another interesting point saying that "you wouldn't want to just focus on the ordinary income rate, because people who are wealthy have a
rounding error of ordinary income", suggesting that the estate tax and taxes on capital would be more effective in collecting more taxes from the ultra-wealthy.
70% Tax Proposal Draws Skepticism From Economists
By having the new point, and the Self-Rated Poverty (SRP) percentages of 51 last March, 51 last June, and 50 last September, we know that poverty has been flat in the last four quarters, and that it averaged 50 percent in 2015 (corrected for
rounding error).
The value of Self-Rated Poverty
For most companies, $1 million isn't even a
rounding error.
Exercise, not insurance, the key to good health
This was not even a "
rounding error" for manufacturers, Darby said.
Solar Backers Place Hopes in House Bill
(While these sums are
rounding error to most CFOs, they are life itself for non-profits.) What explains this $3.23-to-$1.00 leftward tilt?
Non-Profit Non Sequiturs
"That's a
rounding error" for the nine media giants that funded NCN, Ingle said.
Knight Ridder to launch national web ad network
And all of these digital currencies add up to a
rounding error in my mostly stock-based investment portfolio.
Bitcoin Is Facing An Important Test
One week's worth of lost sales is a drop in a bucket that will probably be written off as a
rounding error in this year's financial reports.
Biz Buzz: Hurt by Apec
We will compare existing bounds and we will demonstrate necessity of a proper
rounding error analysis: we present an example of the well-known bound which can fail in finite precision arithmetic.
On error estimation in the conjugate gradient method and why it works in finite precision computations