(Whether Trump's boasts about assaulting women are or are not actually common among men in locker rooms has been a topic of heated debate--as if words were the primary concern.) But
Sex Object relies on this accretive technique indiscriminately, conflating every leer, every mutually disrespectful relationship, every overture from a married man into one long parade of sexist slings and arrows.
Street life: a third-wave feminist insists that being a woman in public is still no joke
Sex object delves into the ways in which public feminists are expected to be strong all of the time Valenti does us a favour by aiming to end sexual objectification and to shatter pedestals.
Sex Object
Parks's stage representation in Venus creates the illusion that Baartman was a free and liberated woman who enjoyed her status as a
sex object and/or was in complete denial of such status altogether.
The re-objectification and re-commodification of Saartjie Baartman in Suzan-Lori Parks's 'Venus.' (Khoi-San native of South Africa publicly displayed as the Hottentot Venus in 1810 in London and Paris; playwright)
Imagine being projected into the bed of your fantasy
sex object with a tactile reality that is now unfathomable.
Virtual fabulousness
From her birth till her death, she is treated as a
sex object.
Women never safe
But quizzed over texts she sent friends complaining of feeling "like a
sex object", Walters agreed his "sex drive was higher" than his wife's.
Church 'killer' tells of wife's lost sex drive
For most women, sex is rooted in their emotions and you need to build her confidence again so she doesn't just feel like a
sex object. Perhaps the compromise is that you use sex toys sometimes and the rest of the time you don't.
My wife has gone off using sex toys
It obviously worries you that you're being seen as a stereotypical big-boobed blonde
sex object but I don't think your looks have anything to do with why you haven't met the right person.
Sex is all guys want from me
"A man becoming a
sex object opened a whole new door," Ford says.
Gucci's gay guru
But she made advances to the boy before sneaking into his bedroom and using him as a "
sex object" by having intercourse and performing a sex act.
Mum, 44, escapes jail for having sex with 14-year-old; Fury over suspended term
JADE Goody's widower Jack Tweed treated a teenage student as a "
sex object", a court heard yesterday.
JADE'S JACK TREATED GIRL AS SEX OBJECT; Lawyer's claim as trial draws to close
Maria should take it as a compliment that Carl loves her for herself rather than as a
sex object. But they should talk about things they BOTH find a turn on if they want to add variety to their love life.
But how long do you think it will be before she starts bleating about being a
sex object?
MAN OF THE PEOPLE: Pop princess goes bust for grown-ups
A judge told the man that he treated the victim, now aged 24, as a
sex object and his offending constituted a gross breach of trust by a father towards his daughter.
Father gets 9-year jail term for raping, pimping disabled daughter to friends
Valentina said of the attack: "I have spent a lot of time around the primates but I'd never imagined that a lonely chimpanzee could see me as a
sex object."
Chimp tries to rape female zookeeper in Russia!