After that, Wetherspoons wound a long length of thick rope over the top of the banisters, making it impossible to
slide down them.
A catalogue of injuries
Micky Moore has suggested Solihull Borough are suffering from "West Ham Syndrome" after their
slide down the table.
Football: West grounded as Robins take flight; NON-LEAGUE BGB MIDLANDS
He'd jump off on the tranny and
slide down that thing?
Danny Way
The life lessons come fast and thick here, but they
slide down smoothly, thanks to the compelling characters and realistic situations.
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Alice on her way
Avalanches are masses of snow and ice that
slide down mountains.
Snowflakes and avalanches
Then he grabs my shoulders to push me lightly until I pick up a little speed and
slide down the sand for a few seconds.
Sandboarding the dragon: Iquique, Chile, nestled between the Pacific and the Atacama Desert, is the birthplace of dune surfing
While proponents saw the "local option" as a compromise, which would have allowed lay and clergy on both sides of the issue to live and function together until a greater consensus could be achieved, the concession was seen by the opposition as "blessing sin" and therefore as a precipitous
slide down the slippery slope of moral accommodation, not only with culture and society, but with the law of the land.
Cost of excluding gays and lesbians will be 'much higher'
Adding an iron salt to the mixture caused the rings to
slide down onto the balls' surfaces, sealing in the light-emitting cargo.
Tapping tiny pores: nanovalves control chemical releases
They rediscover hope." He hopes the Church will work to officially study and publish the message of Medjugorje, which becomes even more urgent as we
slide down the slippery slope of secularism.
Bishop Faber Macdonald supports Medjugorje
He says that if an employee says he or she doesn't like to wear safety glasses because they
slide down the nose, then buy them a strap for the back.
Safety first, contractors urged
But the company has convinced the city that with a tipping fee that will
slide down (once paper is included in its mix), it can guarantee to handle materials for less than the cost of shipping them to increasingly more distant landfills.
In for the long haul
"Stuffing an object in your nose could cause breathing difficulties." And if the snake were to
slide down Mano's esophagus--he'd have a dangerous bellyful!
Gross out?
To install the system, the user bolts the
slide down. It can be fitted to unmachined surfaces, if necessary.
Linear guidance system
On the way down, Huff and another hiker opted for a shortcut, and while traversing an icy stretch Huff slipped, taking himself and his friend for a
slide down the ice sheet.
Honest hiker helps another. (The Goodness of America)