riotous living

riotous living

A lifestyle that is particularly wild and hedonistic. I had my fill of riotous living during my college years. Now that I'm in my thirties, I'm ready for a bit of calm and stability.
See also: living
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

riotous living

An extravagant, dissolute lifestyle, as in Two years of riotous living, and they'd squandered the entire inheritance. This term was first recorded in 1389.
See also: living
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • be more than (something)
  • be more than glad, ready, etc.
  • be at a disadvantage
  • at a disadvantage
  • address (one's) comments to (someone or something)
  • address comments or remarks to
  • address (one's) remarks to (someone or something)
  • be in it for
  • away from it all
  • be out of (one's) head
References in classic literature
There was McMann, who ran up a single bar-room bill of thirty-eight thousand dollars; and Jimmie the Rough, who spent one hundred thousand a month for four months in riotous living, and then fell down drunk in the snow one March night and was frozen to death; and Swiftwater Bill, who, after spending three valuable claims in an extravagance of debauchery, borrowed three thousand dollars with which to leave the country, and who, out of this sum, because the lady-love that had jilted him liked eggs, cornered the one hundred and ten dozen eggs on the Dawson market, paying twenty-four dollars a dozen for them and promptly feeding them to the wolf-dogs.
The school was empty; nearly all the masters had gone away; Colonel Creighton 's railway pass lay in his hand, and Kim puffed himself that he had not spent Colonel Creighton 's or Mahbub's money in riotous living. He was still lord of two rupees seven annas.
Here he generally stayed a week; and was reputed to spend much of that time in riotous living, greatly countenanced by Mr.
"'Alas!' said I, 'I spent the thirty dollars in riotous living.'
"After 40 years' experience of the EU it should be obvious it is not up to much economically and saps our finances through subsidies and riotous living" Sir Bernard Ingham "Our next presenter is a Tottenham striker...
QUOTES OF THE DAY "After 40 years' experience of the EU it should be obvious it is not up to much economically and saps our finances through subsidies and riotous living" Sir Bernard Ingham "Our next presenter is a Tottenham striker...
For more call 15609 11449 Scorpio Oct 24-Nov 22 This should be a time of endless parties, riotous living, fun and flings.
But after a few years of riotous living Noel began suffering druginduced panic attacks, depression and paranoia.
His riotous living brought on seizures and he was paralysed for a time, eventually dying on October 29, 1804.
Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son recounts the misadventures of a young man from a well-to-do family who demands his inheritance early and proceeds to squander it on what the King James Version calls (with admirable economy of language) "riotous living." Then a famine--the biblical equivalent of a deep recession--sets in.
Roger says visitors to Seaton Delaval Hall complained that, after a visit from 'Frank' and his cronies, the rooms were "scarred to ruin by the riotous living of that scoundrel Francis and the lust-mongers he entertains".
Telling the court the pair did not take expensive holidays or enjoy "riotous living", he said: "We have all heard of the little old lady who lives frugally and dies leaving millions."
That difference may be far larger than five years ago, but you will be lucky if there is much left over for riotous living.
Bands, bawdy songs, riotous living. Even a spot of puking now and then.
Gout's connection with riotous living was identified early, and most treatments concentrated on moderation coupled with analgesic care.