slave over a hot stove

slave over a hot stove

To spend a lot of time and effort preparing and cooking a meal. I spent all day slaving over a hot stove, and now you say you aren't hungry?
See also: hot, over, slave
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

slave over a hot stove

work very hard preparing a meal. informal
See also: hot, over, slave
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • get hot
  • hotter than a two-dollar pistol
  • like hot cakes, go
  • go like hot cakes
  • hot for (something)
  • hot on
  • hot on (something)
  • too hot to handle
  • hot tea
  • ziggety
References in periodicals archive
FEAST: Keeley Ward and Christopher Gibson, both 15, gain vital experience of the food trade as they slave over a hot stove; SERVICE: Waitresses (from left) Leanne Worrall, 14, Kirandip Dhesi, 15, and Sarah Price wait on teachers Karen D'Angelo (left) and Myshola Kirkham with pupil Sara McEnery, 15, as restaurant manager for the day.
Soon, it will be cheaper to eat out than slave over a hot stove.
The last I want to do when I'm offis slave over a hot stove at home."
If women were going to slave over a hot stove, it was going to be their own hot stove from then on.
Our great prize could even save you having to slave over a hot stove. You could spend your cash on a range of ready prepared foods which take all the hard work out of cooking your Christmas dinner.
There's no need to slave over a hot stove to prepare the evening meal.
After all that hard graft decorating, there's no need to slave over a hot stove as our mouthwatering recipes are effortless to make - but look really fancy.
If you, like me, have two teenage children who've scoffed Sunday lunch by 2pm, this is perfect for the evening so you don't have to slave over a hot stove. I use half a PS2 bag of frozen chicken strips, which can be cooked from frozen, a red pepper (50p), an onion (25p), half a PS2 jar of fajita sauce and a pack of value wraps (92p for 8).
FORGET acting, singing and falling out of taxis in front of the paparazzi - it seems all Britain's celebs really want to do is slave over a hot stove. How else to explain the success of celebrity cooking shows?