slate for

slate (someone or something) for (something)

To schedule or organize for someone or something to do something or take place at some particular time. Often used in passive constructions. You're presentation is slated for this afternoon at 3 PM. I'm slated for a meeting with the boss later.
See also: slate
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

slate someone or something for something

to schedule someone or something for some thing or a particular time. They slated me for a trip to Columbia, Missouri, in August. Wally slated the meeting room for his presentation.
See also: slate
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

slate for

1. To schedule or designate someone or something to take place at some time: Our professor has slated the history lecture for Thursday afternoon.
2. To arrange for something to be or to undergo something: The contractor has slated the building for destruction. This boss has slated me for a promotion.
See also: slate
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • (someone or something) promises well
  • all right
  • a whole other ball of wax
  • a/the feel of (something)
  • (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
  • (have) got something going (with someone)
  • (you've) got to get up pretty early in the morning to (do something)
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • accompanied by
  • accompanied by (someone or something)
References in classic literature
The first thing referred to by the sheriff was the diagram of a compass, cut in one corner of the slate for permanent use.
“I will buy you a slate for your own affairs, Benjamin,” said the sheriff; “I don’t like to have the journal marked over in this manner.”
He said: "There has been major growth in the use of natural slate for tableware place mats, which is more profitable and less problematic for quarries.
Unlike the administration party that has a longer list of senatorial candidates, the opposition coalition may not field a full 12-member Senate slate for next year's midterm elections, Vice President and opposition leader Ma.
James MacRae, director of Highland Slate Supplies, has provided reclaimed Scottish slate for renovations including Glasgow School of Art.
COUNCIL chiefs have been blasted for spending PS1.3m on a building to celebrate Scottish stone quarrying - then using Spanish slate for the roof.
As one of the largest importers of slate in the United States, PetraSlate Tile & Stone sources its slate product according to climate requirements and the availability of interesting styles like hand-cut roofing tiles, large tile planks or intricate mosaics, and recommends that home owners, builders, or architects consider the expanded versatility of slate for their building projects, whether they're modern or traditional in style.
However, retailer (!3391!3!36488424564!!!g!60389585780!&ef_id=UWmrYgAABMuF2Cvv:20131112122429:s) Curry's has sweetened the deal by offering the slate for a shocking [pounds sterling]129.
Visit Slate for details on how you can help:
"The quarry will continue to exploit high quality reserves of slate for roofing, sawn slabs, architectural material and other uses and in doing so, will secure long-term employment opportunities in the area with a direct and significant contribution to the local economy.
"The fact that he has chosen Welsh slate for his own home is a huge source of pride for us.
As part of the Raise the Roof campaign at St James' Church in Benwell, people are invited to sponsor a slate for pounds 5.
Oregon State Police troopers cited Slate for obstructing the taking of wildlife, a Class A misdemeanor, because she allegedly waved her plastic bag and intentionally disrupted the Welburns' April 19 turkey hunt.
The use of slate for roofing dates back to thirteenth century Europe, where it was the material of choice for some of the world's most distinguished castles.
Bethesda-based Welsh Slate was awarded the contract to provide roofing slate for refurbishment work on Ayers House in Adelaide.