She gave him a
slap around the head before he was removed from the stadium and arrested by the Metropolitan Police.
Olympics bottle thrower gets a slap, no sympathy
While speaking on the Afghan situation at a forum in San Diego, he said: "You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who
slap around women for five years because they didn't wear a veil.
Blunt Mattis To Lead CentCom
"I'm big enough, I'm strong enough, I can take a little
slap around the ears.
DOWN .. AND IN; Red-faced Elvis can't stop Bairns taking tumble but he'll keep his job
The CBI also gives David Cameron a
slap around the head for his opposition to a third runway at London's Heathrow airport.
But I gave myself a virtual
slap around the face and reminded myself this was the whole point - everyone is the same, they all do ordinary things in their spare time and I should share my experiences with the planet.
They also began to
slap around and beat up the men.
The path to women's equality--navy style
Last weekend, when he came to stay with me, I grabbed hold of him and gave him a
slap around the face and said 'You want to get on with it mate', because I know he has talent, and the more he pushes, the more he's going to get."
Burton upbeat over progress after bad fall
Having said that, there remains a small minority of people whose reactions deserve less a pat on the back than a
slap around the chops.
Will Batchelor: Reaction made me proud to be a Brit
He was trying to suggest the referee was a little on the thin side to be a mongrel dog,and when I pointed out that Jeff Winter isn't a wan,but rather a rotund,cur; I got a
slap around my spectacles for my trouble!
Adam WALTON: Missing Links and missing manhood
The site helps you create press releases to attract the media and posters to
slap around town.
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"It's not constructive at all to try to
slap around Fidel Castro by imposing limits on the American people's right to travel."
In their own words ..
I'm not one to
slap around the ears--that kind of correction stuff.
That's probably no more than you'd get from the two slices of bread you
slap around the meat.
The hottest cold cuts
slap around the face shocked me - especially because it was on our honeymoon.
MEL'S NIGHT-MA; EXCLUSIVE; SHE breaks down in tears over a package from HOME; Pal fears she'll crack as she misses her 2 children
A response liKe that could cause more than hurt feelings: it could bring a
slap around the head.
Now, would I lie to you ... ?