serve one right
serve (one) right
To be or deliver the appropriate or deserved consequence(s) for one's improper actions. It serves John right that Dave threw him out of his party last night. He was acting like such a jerk! My girlfriend broke up with me after she found out I had been cheating on her. Serves me right, I suppose. You tripped while making fun of those kids? Serves you right!
See also: right, serve
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
serve one right
Be deserved under the circumstances. For example, That punishment serves him right after what he's done to you. It is also put as serves you right, as in It wasn't accepted? Serves you right for applying so late. These idioms use serve in the sense of "treat in a specified manner," in this case, justly. [Late 1500s]
See also: one, right, serve
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
- it serves someone right
- serve (one) right
- serve right
- serve somebody right
- serve someone right
- serving
- give (one) a pass
- big break
- in consequence of (something)
- once too often