six bits

six bits

dated 75 cents (0.75 US dollars). A "bit" was a former unit of currency equal to one-eighth of a dollar, used until the US adopted decimal currency in 1794. The term survived into the 20th century, especially in reference to 25 cents ("two bits"). Primarily heard in US. For six bits more, you can have breakfast brought to your room in the morning. Back in my day, you could get a full square meal for just six bits!
See also: bit, six
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. seventy-five cents. (A bit is equal to twelve and one-half U.S. cents.) Just try one of these things. It’s only six-bits.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • six-bits
  • heart in the right place, to have one's
  • make ground against (something)
  • pay in someone's own coin, to
  • deutsche mark
  • wampum
  • when the eagle flies
  • the eagle flies
  • cash or check
  • lettuce
References in classic literature
Some of 'em's worth twenty dol- lars apiece -- there ain't any, hardly, but's worth six bits or a dollar."
If either two, four, or six bits flip (or even the parity bit itself) in the data transmission, then the parity bit would read as correct even though there were multiple errors in the transmission.
Suzanne Gregg: "My 11-yr-old had six bits of homework this past week.
A gain by the JPEG-LS GR code is obtained when the quotient is large enough, and the gain of the JPEG-LS GR code is six bits, which is six bits less than the GR code in this example.
Because of that, the researchers were able to securely lock in six bits of classical information using only one bit of an encryption key-an operation called data locking," the researchers said in a ( statement.
It is a similar feeling to being on a golf course and nailing a golf ball off the tee, so as soon as I hit it I knew it was 'Six bits, thanks for coming'."
This brings down the encoder's information transmission rate from 1/2 to 1/6 which implies that for every information bit transmitted, there are six bits to be transmitted in channel.
IT'S quite a simple concept, really: still, I find it remarkable how six bits of wood, knocked together to form a small box, creates a potential dwelling for birds that are about to migrate here from south of the Sahara.
However, the chilli was okay, and my main grumble about the curry was the measly six bits of chicken it contained.
This self-loading number has six bits inside, and in one slick twist and select action it's ready to take on minor home improvements.
This self-loading number has six bits inside, and in one slick "twist and select" action your screwdriver is ready to take on minor home improvements.
com NAIL THE ODD JOBS This self-loading number has six bits inside, and in one slick "twist and select" action your screwdriver is ready to take on minor home DIY jobs.
English, literature, Africana studies, and religion scholars from the US outline her editions and anthologies, publication history, and resurgence in the literary scene; ways to teach the novel through its radical politics, use of folk culture, dialect, humor, within the context of reviews, within the context of feminism and bigamy, and as an introduction to deconstruction; and teaching other novels like Jonah's Gourd Vine, Moses, Man of the Mountain, and Seraph on the Suwanee; her anthropological works Mules and Men and Tell My Horse; her autobiography Dust Tracks on a Road; the short story "The Gilded Six Bits"; and plays The First One, Color Struck, and Mule Bone.
He added: "The filly has done five or six bits of good work at home, and we think she's very nice."
Phil couldn't complain about his chicken liver pate - a generous slab the size of a 1980s mobile phone served with six bits of toasted crusty bread.