Instead of focusing on the
helicopter parent as some one with unnecessary fears who gives their child instant gratification and solves every problem for their child, let's look at the characteristics of an actual helicopter pilot and see how these top qualities are an asset in parents of children with and without special needs." (9)
Over-Protection of Children with Disabilities
Helicopter parents are evolving into "drone parents." This new era of parents, mostly Gen Xers, fly far above their children keeping a watchful eye with less direct interaction.
Forewarned Is Forearmed
helicopter parent), but directly interfere in them by clearing all the obstacles out of their children's way (but by doing so they also deprive their children of learning to cope independently with challenges they might face in life).
Are exocentric compounds really exocentric?
Even when it comes to leisure time, they can't resist interfering: the
helicopter parent will be the one leaping up and down at swimming galas with a stopwatch in their hand, or standing over their nine-year-old as they practice piano - because God forbid they might be allowed to just kick a football around outside with their friends.
Give your children a break from parenting
The phrase "
helicopter parent" wasn't familiar to me until I began teaching, but the term has become part of the parenting lexicon through countless news reports and magazine articles.
Helicopter parents: can be a good thing: overprotective and overinvolved parents generally get a bad rap, but they can be a teacher's ally and asset
Helicopter parent company CHC Group (NYSE: HELI) said it reported revenue of USD415 million and a net loss of USD465 million for its fiscal-2015 third quarter, which ended Jan.
CHC Group revenue declines 9%
Most of us have heard the term "
helicopter parent," but I always assumed the hovering stopped some time in college.
Too close for comfort
Give it to the girl with a
helicopter parent. Distribute copies en masse at freshman college orientation," directs the Slatebreakers critic, and the majority couldn't agree more.
Just One Day
But what can you do when you think problems may be developing from a
helicopter parent? Parents may not perceive any problem at all.
Landing helicopter parents
The op-ed letter writers savaged her, pointing to vignettes about the threatened burning of stuffed animals or vacations consumed by never ending music drills as proof that Chua was a
helicopter parent gone wild.
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
The "h" word was used, "helicopter," as in "
helicopter parent," which, according to Word Spy, is "A parent who hovers over his or her children.
The old school (electronic) ties
As defined by Wikipedia, the term
helicopter parent "refers to a person who pays extremely close attention to his or her child or children, particularly at educational institutions.
At issue: helicopter parents and millennial students, an annotated bibliography
Always willing to pitch in, Kim Wilson's what maw' educators call a "partner parent." For her persistence in advocating for her child, Shani Weber laughingly calls herself an "Apache
helicopter parent." You probably know the types.
The parent trap
A "
helicopter parent" is so designated because, like a helicopter, they hover closely overhead, rarely out of reach whether their children need them or not.
Security on campus: "Helicopter Parents" are circling colleges with safety concerns
Mostly Bs -
Helicopter Parent These are the type of parents who pay extremely close attention to their child's experiences.
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