take lumps
Related to take lumps: take one's lumps
take (one's) lumps
To experience and accept adversity, challenges, etc. The term typically implies that one perseveres without complaint despite such negative experiences. I know that I have to take my lumps as an intern to earn the other employees' trust and move up the corporate ladder.
See also: lump, take
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
take one's lumps
Inf. to accept the result or punishment one deserves. (See also get one's lumps.) You've got to learn to take your lumps if you're going to be in politics. I hate taking my lumps. I'd rather pretend nothing had happened.
See also: lump, take
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- take (one's) lumps
- take one’s lumps
- take your lumps
- a hard-luck story
- a fishing expedition
- hard knocks
- no thanks to
- no thanks to (someone or something)
- no thanks to somebody/something
- no thanks to you