
Related to simp: gimp, SINP, WIMP


slang An abbreviation of "simpleton," meaning a foolish or simple-minded person. It's all very complicated stuff that a simp like you just wouldn't understand.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a simpleton. You are such a simp!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • McFly
  • nick ninny
  • simple Simon
  • soft
  • elevator doesn't go to the top floor, the
  • Cf
  • CF The CF is from the so-called NATO Phonetic Alphabet.
  • phonetic
  • NATO
  • bo
References in periodicals archive
Caption: Artist's conception of the rogue SIMP 0136+0933
"Detecting SIMP J01365663+0933473 with the VLA through its auroral radio emission also means that we may have a new way of detecting exoplanets, including the elusive rogue ones not orbiting a parent star," Hallinan said.
Traceability measures like the ones SIMP establishes are an internationally accepted method for combating IUU fishing and seafood fraud, and will help facilitate legal trade for law-abiding fishers and seafood producers in the US and abroad.
The optimal configurations of BESO and SIMP have more bars than that of PLSM and CLSM.
This means that a small change in the resulting mass does not necessarily translate into a different mass for the final design, since the density result returned by the SIMP algorithm requires interpretation before being translated into a manufacturable design, and the mass figures can only be indicative.
SIMP Model of Topology Optimization with Vector Continuous Mapping Matrix.
In the SIMP approach, the stiffness matrix, K, depends on a fictitious density vector, [rho], according to [12]:
5.1.1 The Contingent Effect of SIMP on the Relationship Between MIA and VKF
SIMP has a number of subsidiaries including PT Indoagri Inti Plantation, PT Intimegah Bestari Pertiwi, PT SOG and PT BML which operates in oil palm plantations, cooking oil, coconut oil and other vegetable oil and fat industries.
& Gademann, R.--2011--Microclima y actividad metabolica en la Antartida maritima (Isla Livingston)--VIII Simp. Est.
simp (A) = A - {[g.sub.i]|[there exists][g.sub.j], f([g.sub.j]) [subset or equal to] f ([g.sub.i])}.
stopped simp? PRESCRIPTION: In certain cases, the antidepressant amitriptyline may be prescribed for recurrent headaches.
In so short a time, Mary Grace CafAaAaAeA@ has grown from a handful of simp kiosks to 17 cafAaAaAeA@s located in big malls around Metro Manil
An optional Sport mode adds additional grunt and makes overtaking that much simp m ler.