

slang Clothing. It looked as though he were wearing brand-new silks for the occasion, but it may simply be the case that he actually washed them for a change.
See also: silk
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. clothing. I gotta get some new silks before spring.
See also: silk
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • quantum
  • quantum jump
  • on occasion
  • reconstruct
  • reconstruct (something) from (something else)
  • reconstruct from
  • poon up
  • pooned up
  • be as mad as a March hare
  • hopping mad over (something)
References in classic literature
An orchestra of yellow silk women and bald-headed men on an elevated stage near the centre of a great green-hued hall, played a popular waltz.
He wore a high silk hat which was a little old, but had been carefully brushed.
One day Dan happened to mention that he thought of buying three or four silk dress patterns for presents.
Oh, here 's the pretty violet silk. That will make a lovely suit," cried Polly, going on with the review.
The black lace Maud has just taken off the green one will do to edge the violet, and with your nice silk mantilla you are complete, don't you see?"
- Every preparation likely to embarrass us, having been made over night, we commenced the inflation this morning at daybreak ; but owing to a thick fog, which encumbered the folds of the silk and rendered it unmanageable, we did not get through before nearly eleven o'clock.
Home now looked bare and dismal as she thought of it, work grew harder than ever, and she felt that she was a very destitute and much-injured girl, in spite of the new gloves and silk stockings.
In a wardrobe were many green dresses, made of silk and satin and velvet; and all of them fitted Dorothy exactly.
When the serious business of dining was dispatched, and we were trifling with our coffee and liqueurs, my eyes, which of course had seldom left her during the whole meal, once more enfolded her little ivory and black silk body with an embrace as real as though they had been straining passionate arms; and as I thus nursed her in my eyes, I smiled involuntarily at a thought which not unnaturally occurred to me.
"What did he do with the professor's map that was in the oiled silk? Where is it?"
Here, in a retired corner, she exchanged her cotton stockings for the new silk ones which she had just bought.
And YELLOW silk. It makes one think of a dress of sunshine.
His tiny surcoat of scarlet velvet was rich with embroidery, while beneath was a close-fitting tunic of white silk. His doublet was of scarlet, while his long hose of white were crossgartered with scarlet from his tiny sandals to his knees.
When you open the box the rustles will escape, whether you are wearing a silk dress or not," said the man, seriously.
The worthy gentleman was beyond measure distressed, and at that moment he would have given an ounce of silver to have had half a drachm of green silk there; I say green silk, because the stockings were green.