home skillet

home skillet

1. slang A friendly term of address. What's up, home skillet? Hey home skillet, how're you doing?
2. slang A friend. Teddy's my home skillet—he'll help us out.
See also: home, skillet
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

home skillet

See homeslice
See also: home, skillet
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • come home from (some place or something)
  • come home from some place
  • be at home
  • at home
  • come home
  • get home to
  • get home to (someone or something)
  • wait up for (one)
  • when (one's) ship comes home
  • bring (something) home (to someone)
References in periodicals archive
521 Kentucky St., $73,252 for commercial: 480-square-foot prep room and bathroom, and 128-square-foot covered breezeway to support existing restaurant: Home Skillet. Permit No.: BLD2014-00155.
Jake: The scene in Sitka is picking up--they have a Home Skillet musicfest every summer that we're hoping to be a part of.
Home Skillet Records annual summer music festival takes place indoors and features an eclectic group of musicians such as Budo, Vox Mod, Hightek Lowlives, The Wool Pullers, Playbow Spaceman, Benjamin Verdoes, and others.
Home Skillet Records puts on this summer music festival with an eclectic group of musicians coming from all over the country.
Four-day music festival for all ages, featuring local and out of town bands and sponsored by Home Skillet Records.