significance level

significance level

In statistics, the point at which a null hypothesis is rejected. Also known as the "level of significance." Who can identify the significance level in this problem?
See also: level, significance
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • significance
  • on the level
  • raise the stakes
  • level off
  • level up
  • level down
  • level (one's) locks
  • level one’s locks
  • level out
  • on the level, to be
References in periodicals archive
First, in the purchasing decision for green cars, as we predicted, higher-income-level and well-educated individuals are more willing to purchase green cars ([[beta]] is positive and significantly different from zero at the 10 percent significance level; [[beta].sub.incm] is positive and significantly different from zero at the 1 percent significance level).
Ho3: The hypothesis Ho3 was rejected at the significance level p<.05 and r= .43 which shows a medium correlation between Pareto Principle and Maxwell's levels of leadership.
The high significance level (0.18) showed that the possible differences in age between the two groups were random and the sample data could not be extrapolated to a larger population.
(*) - denotes the statistically significant variable that is measured in absolute term at the five percent significance level.
The overall change trends of SMAI decreased; however, the change trends of SMAI in the top three soil layers were not significant, and only the trend of SMAI-4 was significant and it reached a significance level of [alpha] = 0.01.
The z value of the control group was -0.420 at the significance level of 0.675 with a P value > 0.05, while for the treatment group, the z value was -5.661 at the significance level with a P value < 0.001.
Table 1: Inner Core countries dependency on EU27-1 Country [[beta].sub.0] [[beta].sub.1] [[beta].sub.2] Finland -0.23 1.68 *** -0.60 Germany -2.08 *** 1.40 *** 3.15 *** Austria 0.35 0.90 *** 0.16 Netherlands 0.73 0.88 *** -1.01 France 0.21 0.80 *** 0.26 Belgium 0.48 0.77 *** 0.08 Mean -0.09 1.07 0.34 Breusch-Pagan Adjusted Country (sig.) R-squared Finland 0.20 0.944 Germany 0.05 0.771 Austria 0.82 0.858 Netherlands 0.26 0.775 France 0.60 0.871 Belgium 0.18 0.816 Note: *** indicates 1 % significance level; ** indicates 5% significance level; * indicates 10% significance level.
The association between absorption capacity of micro-regions and SF allocation is positive and statistically significant at the 0.01 significance level with one exception.
Remarkable association signals between the LOTI and solar activity exist on decadal time scales (mainly the 11-year cycle) during 1935-1995, with above the 5 % significance level. Therefore we speculate that there is a stronger link between the LOTI and solar activity that implied by the cross wavelet power.
Although the exact statistical results for the ANOVAs are not reported, the exact results for the t-tests are given, and the general significance level is given for both.
According to the K-S test theory, when D < [D.sub.crit] (the critical value of [D.sub.crit] for the level of significance [alpha]), the gene has no significant difference between the positive and negative classes when the significance level is [alpha]; if D > [D.sub.crit], there is a significant difference between the positive and negative samples at the 1 - [alpha] confidence level.
At the sampling time [t.sub.l], based on the samples [??]([x.sub.i], [y.sub.i], [t.sub.i]), i = 1, 2, 3, ..., J of the J nodes determine whether there is pollution at a given significance level a in hypothesis testing.
(4) From [chi square]-distribution table, we can get chi-square percentile with degree-of-freedom= 9 at the 5% significance level and 10% one as follows;
The reader would be led to believe that Fisher preferred the significance level to be set at p = 0.05, although another table with p = 0.01 was added in the fifth edition (1934).
In the replication sample, as compared with the discovery sample, 13 of the 108 SNPs differed in the opposite direction between cases and controls; 87 failed to reach an uncorrected significance level of p < 0.05; and only three reached the adequate Bonferonni corrected significance level.