In parallel with the
startle response test, the hair cell damage by neomycin treatment was confirmed by observing and counting the hair cell with staining.
Evaluation of the Hair Cell Regeneration in Zebrafish Larvae by Measuring and Quantifying the Startle Responses
In this pilot subject, occasional
startle signs were present only at 240[degrees]/s, but not with lower angular peak velocities.
Evidence for Startle Effects due to Externally Induced Lower Limb Movements: Implications in Neurorehabilitation
The observed downward recruitment of muscles responses further support the idea that
startle reflex forms part of the neuromuscular responses to a rear-end collision.
Whiplash evokes descending muscle recruitment and sympathetic responses characteristic of startle
Mallan et al., 2008), we used a set of cues-pictures pairings as learning (non-probed) trials during the first half of the task, followed by a second set of pairings where auditory probes were delivered to examine the effects of emotional valence and arousal over anticipatory
startle reflex modulation--likewise prior investigation focused on anticipation of affective material.
Emotional reactivity during anticipation and perception of affective pictures
Initially, twelve stimulus presentations were required to produce habituation of the
startle reflex; to produce habituation of the
startle reflex that had undergone apparent spontaneous recovery, only six stimulus presentations were required.
Demonstrating habituation of a startle response to loud noise
Extraordinarily quick visual
startle reflexes of skipper butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) are among the fastest in the animal kingdom.
Faster than a flash: the fastest visual startle reflex response is found in a long-legged fly, Condylostylus SP. (Dolichopodidae)
Humans and animals use the same four-neuron connection in
startle; in humans, however, the amygdala can alter the response or the cortical system can inhibit it through many different mechanisms, said Dr.
Impact of childhood trauma on startle response persists
They placed earphones on each child and measured the
startle magnitude to a binaural acoustic
Single trauma altered startle response in study
For any test session each animal was placed in the cylinder, and movements of the cylinder resulting from
startle responses were transduced by an accelerometer into a voltage which was amplified, digitized and served into a computer for analysis.
Las cepas de ratas Roman de alta y baja evitacion difieren en respuesta de sobresalto potenciada por miedo y en condicionamiento clasico aversivo
On further evaluation, a diagnosis of hyperekplexia was made and therapy was changed to oral clonazepam with a reduction in his symptoms, although he still showed an exaggerated
startle reflex in response to minor stimuli.
Anaesthetic implications of hyperekplexia--'startle disease'
A review printed in April said: 'Quite how hard core it is will
startle the most blase 21st-Century viewers.
At each concentration level, breathing patterns and
startle reflexes were measured.
Smoking in small places: separation is the only solution. (Science Selections)
However, Janik speculates that a nonfatal bray might
startle prey into freezing for a vital instant.
Dolphins bray when chasing down a fish
* Increased sleep disturbances, irritability, poor concentration,
startle reaction and regressive behavior.
Once again, the Pope can
startle by the lengths he is willing to go in his desire to encourage a fruitful discussion with other Christians.
Ecumenism - what hope?