Once a tickle lasts too long, hurts or touches a private area, it is no longer good, and the person being tickled or
touched always gets to decide if it is good or bad, and has the right to demand for it to stop.
Good touch or bad touch?
I asked him if I touched him or the ball and he said: 'You didn't touch me'.
"Craig Levein asked me if I touched the player and I told him: 'No, I got a slight touch on the ball'.
A CHEAT... AND A LIAR; Dan reveals Czech diver Rezek's a fibber too A cheat & a liar
Unfortunately, many people with SCI are touched only when they are getting help with dressing, washing, bowel care, and other physical needs.
Sometimes people are uncomfortable with being touched. It may seem like an invasion of privacy or the breaking of a boundary.
Staying in touch
Meanwhile, extended families have became separated, further reducing the opportunity to be
touched by loved ones.
The truth about teaching and touching
The new study provides the first evidence that these defenses are triggered when plants are touched. In the study, students touched the plants in a laboratory, but the researchers say the touch-induced response could also be activated by animals, including insects, and wind.
In 2000, her lab used tools of biotechnology to produce a plant that glowed with light wherever it was touched. They also showed that Arabidopsis plants that were touched regularly grew much shorter and slower - much like trees exposed to a windy coastline will grow short and bent.
Touch activates plants' defense against insects
Human neonates, preemies, and infants who have been
touched and held regularly do much better than those who have not.
Just the right touch
A new study suggests that sexually abused children may best remember whether their genital area had been
touched by an adult if asked directly about such experiences with the help of an anatomically detailed doll.
Sex abuse: direct approach may aid recall
"Its format is a simple geometry," says the Congregation of Holy Cross theologian Father Jeffrey Sobosan "It traces out a cross in the sequence of four points
touched: head to chest, shoulder to shoulder.
Sign language
Moreover, plants
touched twice daily by the researchers did not grow as tall as untouched plants, says Ronald Davis, who reports the work with Janet Braam in the Feb.
Plants under pressure: the touch that stunts