
Related to starters: appetizers


see under for openers.
See also: starter
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • haven't
  • call of duty
  • hold your
  • keep your . . .
  • light heart
  • ASAP
  • maid of all work
  • live and well
  • at one's
  • at someone's
References in periodicals archive
Summary: A new market study, titled "Discover Global Electric Starters Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges" has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
[USPRwire, Wed May 29 2019] The EMEA region is likely to remain a significant revenue contributor to the motor starters market with a high concentration of minerals and metals in this region that generates the demand for mining activities.
[ClickPress, Wed May 29 2019] The EMEA region is likely to remain a significant revenue contributor to the motor starters market with a high concentration of minerals and metals in this region that generates the demand for mining activities.
The league said Tuesday the two starters with the highest fan vote totals from each conference will choose teams from the pool of players who were voted as starters and reserves.
We've heard similar stories from other readers, but also from ones who have fast-turning starters and still have problems with hot starts.
"Research on Noise Reduction for Pinion Shift-type Starters," Honda R&D Technical Review, Vol.
The company said the partnership would increase the ability to capitalise on growing demand for eco-friendly technologies such as start-stop starters and boost recuperation machines that reduce carbon emissions.
"808 Conversation Starters for Couples" is the perfect resource for conversation starters in any social occasion whether its between family members, friends, or strangers.
| Making new friends at the start of their school life are these new starters from Holme Junior and Infants School
There are a number of states that feed into one or both cores, consisting of starters (states that cannot be reached from any other state) and preceders (states joining starters to a core).
Here, we'll show you how to work with starters, and give you two recipes to use them.
MST Digital Soft Starters are available in two styles, an open starter or an enclosed combination starter.
ARIZONA: Returns five starters on offense, notably losing quarterback Matt Scott.
However, both starters achieving the same high game score struck me as remarkable.