Virgin's other fleet of new rolling stock, the Voyagers on the Cross Country network, were also
beset with various technical problems in their first months of operation in 2002.
Why travelling on Virgin stinks
November 1988 Industry is labeled as troubled,
beset by inadequate Medicaid reimbursement, intense competition from personal care facilities and home health care agencies, nationwide shortage of nursing help and a lack of comprehensive private-pay marketing strategy to reach growing numbers of affluent elderly.
Radiant heating and cooling delivers a high level of thermal comfort and avoids the problems of draughts that sometimes
beset air driven systems.
Radiant star: these new headquarters for a German finance company are a creative reinterpretation of the edge of town office
Somalia has been
beset by chaos and violence, with no central government since 1991.
Long time aid worker killed
There is still disagreement on whether James should be placed with the "healthy-minded" or the "sick souls," so evenhandedly and sympathetically did he write of both, and so conscientiously did he attempt to pull himself up by his emotional bootstraps when
beset by despair.
What James knew
The author also notes the frustration of the hard-pressed bomber crews
beset by flak and interceptors as they watched their escorts charge off to duel with distant Chinese aircraft instead of remaining close to fend off opposing fighters.
Sunburst: The Rise of Japanese Naval Air Power, 1909-1941. (Professional Reading)
Lack of planning and goal setting can also
beset team success.
Video review: the team approach
Ignatius himself was praying five or six hours a day and fasting soon after his conversion, but suddenly was
beset by doubts about whether he had confessed all his past sins.
Divining messages: how to discern the voice of God from all the other noise we hear
But they failed to break the record of 74 days, 20 hours and 58 minutes set by Cable & Wireless Adventurer after the boat was
beset by problems.
Spirit ready for last push
But it was
beset by problems from the off and opened six years late and pounds 150million over budget.
No flying start for control centre
The commons -- our shared environmental and social heritage -- is the unspoken link between many environmental and other problems that
beset Americans today, from the decline of neighborhoods and communities to the commercial enclosure of the gene pool, knowledge and artistic creation.
The Tomales Bay Institute. (Making waves: Earth Island in the news)
However, the current problems that
beset the National Assembly over its landmark home go way beyond acceptable creative tensions.
Morgan's move
Her body was stretched and skewed, her facial expression
beset by a strong feeling, probably grief.
Fellow Travelers Meet In `Be With'. (Reviews: National)
The test can be completed in two hours for lower cost than previous tests, can
beset up in any lab setting, and requires only a tiny amount of blood.
Speedy new LDL test. (Product watch)
Whether your life is
beset by stressful events or you simply feel stressed is of little consequence to your immune system.
Run away from cold and flu season