scientific wild-ass guess
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scientific wild-ass guess
slang An estimate or guess based on very simple evidence, reasoning, or logic. Now, this is just a scientific wild-ass guess, but judging from the calculations I jotted down just now, we need to clear about $500,000 in sales to recoup our development costs. I never trust weather forecasts—in this country, they're little more than scientific wild-ass guesses!
See also: guess, scientific
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
scientific wild ass guess
and SWAG phr. & comp. abb. a simple guess. (Often objectionable.) I don’t know at all. That was a SWAG. I always use the SWAG system.
See also: ass, guess, scientific, wild
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- a stab in the dark
- at a guess
- take a guess
- make a guess
- what do I know
- What does (one) know?
- guess at
- guess at (something)
- you'll never guess