

slang A nose. Originally from Yiddish. I think I broke my schnozz when I fell off my bike. Wow, would you look at the size of that guy's schnozz?


slang A nose. Originally from Yiddish. I think I broke my schnozzle when I fell off my bike. Wow, would you look at the size of that guy's schnozzle?
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and schnozzle and schnozzola and shnozz (ʃnɑz and ʃnɑzlæ and ʃnɑˈzolə and ʃnɑz)
n. the nose. (From German Schnauze via Yiddish.) Look at the schnozz on that guy!


See schnozz
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • schnozzola
  • schnozz
  • shnozz
  • shnoz
  • shicker
  • shikker
  • schicker
  • schickered
  • kvetch
  • quetch
References in periodicals archive
But, according to Schnozzle Gouto, it's "the worst pain in the world, absolutely excruciating, total agony".
Essentially, all the information you need is right in front of your schnozzle on the instrument panel.
And maybe he's just jealous at the size of the schnozzle on Mr Bean, which he could have put to good use when he was throwing half of Colombia up his nose during his time at Chelsea and Fiorentina.
Well, I'm going to work really hard to be in all the papers, pictured drunkenly hanging off the arms of emaciated deadheads with a tiny blanket of class A residue nestling beneath my schnozzle. I may also sing a bit.' Teacher: 'But how will that make you a role model?' Child: 'Well, I can think of plenty of celebrity models, musicians and sports stars who are deemed 'role models' despite public transgressio...
There's some cash at the end of the rainbow-coloured bruise now decorating your schnozzle. Just play your cards right and join our bandwagon."
1980: Jimmy "Schnozzle" Durante, American comedian, died aged 87.
That's probably because the Wolves boss couldn't see further than the end of his Scottish schnozzle.
On the other hand, 'erself might just prefer the schnozzle lullaby to which she has become accustomed over the past half century.
He performed it in three movies - The Great Schnozzle (US title Palooka, (1934), Two Girls And A Sailor (1944) and This Time For Keeps (1947).
Starke has perfect timing with a Schnozzle Durante voice and wild body movement and is very much the star turn.