References in classic literature
He crept back onto his throne like a whipped dog, and lay there bitterly bemoaning his defeat.
"Enough or not enough, we must make it do," said Matvey, slamming the carriage door and stepping back onto the steps.
As they went to red two workmen pushed a barrow of tarmac into the road, tipped it into a sunken manhole cover, stamped it down with their feet then jumped back onto the pavement just as the lights turned green.
Motorists have to go via Lower Street and Lowlands Avenue which leads to back onto Aldersley Road to reach the centre.
It's been four months since she welcomed baby Eve and Karen Koster said she's in no rush back onto our TV screens.
Coun Paul Mercer, lead member for housing, said: "I am delighted to see this home brought back onto the market - it's a win-win situation.
The railway technical teams reached the scene of the accident along with crane and other instruments and started repairing the damaged tracks and putting the wagons back onto rails.
Christine Chamberlain said: "People's gardens back onto it and I feel that all of us are being tarred with the same brush.
But cash flow and other organisational problems saw the famous race withdrawn from the WRC calendar in 2003, much to the chagrin of motorsport enthusiasts.RACING CALENDARHowever, the government and Kenya Motorsports Federation (KMSF) have launched an aggressive bid to have the rally back onto the global racing calendar by 2020, with Sh250 million voted to drive this project.
Summary: Dozens of Electricite du Liban contract workers Tuesday morning protested the ongoing late payment of their wages, briefly blocking Corniche al-Nahr road before being pushed back onto the sidewalk by security forces.
In the jaw-dropping footage, the pushchair was clipped by one of the containers on the train, before then bouncing back onto the platform.
Summary: Washington [U.S.A.], August 4 (ANI): United States President Donald Trump is all set to step back onto the campaign trail in West Virginia and would use the campaign rally to make a "very big announcement."
Roll the backing onto the pick-up roller, and then back onto the backing roller to ensure the backing is smooth and not skewed.
"The man sprung to the rescue and hauled him back onto the platform, whilst other commuters alerted the emergency services.