shut your gob

shut your gob

An imperative to be quiet or cease talking immediately. Can be rude, aggressive, or jocular depending on the context. Shut your gob, Bobby—no one asked for the opinion of a dork like you! A: "So, where do you think we can sell these stolen goods?" B: "Shut your gob! Don't you have enough sense not to talk about that in public?" A: "Wow, that Cadillac has seen better days. How much did you pay for that little gem?" B: "Ah, shut your gob, Dave. I think it looks just fine."
See also: gob, shut
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

shut your ˈmouth/ˈtrap/ˈface/ˈgob!

(also keep your ˈmouth/ˈtrap shut) (slang) a rude way of telling somebody to be quiet or stop talking: ‘Shut your face’, Roger said, ‘or I’ll kick you out.’ Why can’t you learn to keep your big mouth shut?
Trap and gob are slang words for ‘mouth’.
See also: face, mouth, shut, trap
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • gob
  • shut your trap
  • Shut your trap!
  • shut your yap
  • yap
  • shut your pie hole
  • shut your mouth/trap/face/gob!
  • Shut your face!
  • shut your mouth
  • Shut your cake hole!
References in periodicals archive
All you hear them say is "ay yow", "wot yow doin?" or "can ya shut your gob".
Shut your gob. It's not about you, it's about her [the singer]."
SHUT YOUR GOB Viewers of last night's thrilling Bake-Off final must be delighted to hear they're all frightfully common, according to society decorator Nicky Haslam.
7.40 (260m): Katies' girl (scr), Shut Your Gob (1), Delightfull Sally (2), Walk Of Shame (3), Vinegar Hill (4), Nervous Wreck (4).
"If you don't agree with government policies you should shut your gob or resign." - Nadine Morano, the French family affairs minister to fellow minister Rama Yade who has criticised President Nicolas Sarkozy.
"I've just said to him 'shut your gob up and get some games under your belt - and then you'll be able to talk about that side of your game in preference to what's gone on before'.
"I've just said to him 'shut your gob and get some games under your belt - and then you'll be able to talk about that side of your game in preference to what's gone on before'.
"Shut your gob," she said as she mounted her mop handle, with Volumes I through IV of Harry Potter's adventures tucked under her bathrobe.
My wife devoured the information and cooed: "I wonder if they sell the new 'assemble in five minutes' range?" Or as it's known in our house, the "Just shut your gob for five minutes while I work this out" line.
"My dad used to say, 'Shut your gob and get on with the next one'.
So now if Ivy nags him, Billy says "Oh shut your gob!
Nasri then gestured to the England bench and is believed to have mouthed "ferme ta gueule" - shut your gob - to coach Gary Neville (inset) as he celebrated.
Later the Dubliner would insist that his comments were all part of the game, but on the eve of the match, local papers in Aberdeen splashed headlines like 'Shut your gob, Rod.' Then the football started.
A fine of pounds 250.A NICE little row broke out in the Commons after Dennis Skinner, aka the Beast of Bolsover, called Lembit Opik "a tin pot Liberal" before bellowing: "Shut your gob".
And in a clear "shut your gob" message, Ferguson adds: "I think he should concentrate on his own club.