Based on the trailer, 'Maria' shows Reyes' potential in being
a femme fatale, far from the usual drama roles she usually portrays.
WATCH: Cristine Reyes is out for revenge in 'Maria'
"I'm not attempting to impersonate a man at all, but the idea is to look at the desire and the fear of
a femme fatale or a woman and the understandable pattern that everyone is caught up in.
Exploring a 'Fatale' attraction
Matty channels the destabilising aura of the traditional femme fatale, leveraging the sexist expectations of the men around her, but her undisguised sexuality pointed towards
a femme fatale that inadvertently reinforced such expectations.
Cherchez la femme: the evolution of the femme fatale
The post The story of
a femme fatale appeared first on Cyprus Mail .
The story of a femme fatale
At the studio, she was primarily featured in film noirs playing
a femme fatale or a shady character.
Lizabeth Scott (1922-2015)
EVA Green is set to play
a femme fatale in the Sin City sequel.
Rampling plays
a femme fatale in the thriller, based on Elsa Lewin's novel of the same name.
Actress shares spotlight
A femme fatale, she sets the film's plot going by hiring detectives and working with and against them.
The global and local femme fatale in The Maltese Falcon: a reappraisal
Melbourne, Apr 9 (ANI): Want to become
a femme fatale? Well, then take lessons from French women.
How to turn yourself into a femme fatale
reminds me of the night one of my lovers dressed up as
a femme fataleSally Field
The legitimacy of Horace's perceptions of Belle as
a femme fatale is predicated on the fact that she never emerges as a subject.
"Lady Tiger in a Tea Gown": Decadence, Kitsch, and Faulkner's femme fatale
The popularity of the association between women, snakes, and temptation even spread to the theatre where actress Sarah Bernhardt,
a femme fatale in both her professional and private lives, portrayed characters such as Medea and Cleopatra.
Evil by Design: The Creation and Marketing of the Femme Fatale
His situation gets worse when he encounters
a femme fatale who targets men guilty of a sex crime.
Movie reviews: Must be scene; the razz movie reviews SEX AND DEATH 101
Flora plays
a femme fatale in her latest rom-com Speed Dating, which will hit cinemas this coming week.
Tasty Flora is man-eater in dating movie
The kitsch figures of the Great Blacks in Wax Museum invade the painting galleries of the Walters Art Museum, and Melvin van Peebles, who appears as himself, is stalked by
a femme fatale who traverses stereotypes of black power, blaxploitation, and black science fiction.
Isaac Julien