
Related to squiffy: crotchety, peaky, snide, sozzled

get squiffy

To get drunk. Primarily heard in UK. We had all gotten more than a little squiffy by the time the evening was over. Looking forward to getting squiffy with some mates of mine this weekend.
See also: get, squiffy


slang Drunk. We were all pretty squiffed by the end of the party. I'll come out for a beer or two, but I don't want to get too squiffed tonight.


slang Drunk. We were all a bit squiffy by the end of the party. I'll come out for a beer or two, but I don't want to get too squiffy tonight.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and squiffy (skʍɪft and ˈskʍɪfi)
mod. alcohol intoxicated. The hostess was so squiffed she could hardly stand.


See squiffed
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • pifficated
  • elephants
  • half seas over
  • elephant's trunk
  • trunk
  • pifted
  • country drunk
  • (as) pissed as a newt
  • nurse a drink
  • (it's) time to go
References in periodicals archive
Squiffy Duck can be found on draught at The Rose and Crown in Allgreave, Barnton Cricket Club, the Cholmondeley Arms near Malpas, Baron's Lounge in Northwich, The Bulls Head in Poynton, Chime in Hartford, the Bawn Lodge in Chester, The Bhurtpore Inn in Aston, Haslington Cricket Club, the Ring O' Bells in Stretton, The Beer Emporium in Sandbach, The Albion in Warrington, The Red Fox on the Wirral and The Bulls Head in Smallwood.
Squiffy Duck will be available for sale throughout the county but can be found locally on draught at Haslington Cricket Club, The Beer Emporium in Sandbach, and The Bulls Head in Smallwood.
Answers: 1 The King of Diamonds (as, in a deck of cards, that King has only one eye); 2 It was the hand Doyle Brunson won the World Series of Poker with on two occasions; 3 Squiffy; 4 a) The true odds are just over 2%; 5 Amarillo Slim.
Squiffy valley Chiltern Valley Winery Fingest, Oxfordshire Tippler tours are popular and there are some crackers in Scottish whisky distilleries.
As part of the production process a competition was run to select a name for the new beer and Kathryn Pilling became the lucky winner when her suggested name 'Squiffy Duck' was chosen.
I admit I was a bit squiffy while packing my suitcase the night before going away, which is possibly why I got back from our trip and discovered the box wasn't in my hiding place.
They are squiffy before leaving the front door which means they can't remember the best bits of their night anyway.
"We didn't have time to get too squiffy!" cries Goode, promising their packed schedule made it impossible.
"Part of the joke is that here is Johnny Depp, one of the most beautiful men in the world, and the girls find his man servant, who has a squiffy eye and scars all over his head, irresistible."
This half-hour one-off is so busy showing the hosts and their guest getting squiffy it forgot to explain that this wasn't just some hilariously random match-up.
This half-hour one-off is so busy showing us the hosts and their guest getting squiffy it forgot to explain that this wasn't just some hilariously random matchup.
GAZETTE writer Anthony Vickers takes a look at the biggest talking points of the match: AS a slightly squiffy Delia Smith once said:"This is a message for the best supporters in the world.
I was about to say that during the summer I flutter from pub to pub like a squiffy butterfly, but that's not actually true - the ghost of my pre-kids self can still be seen wafting around the beer gardens of north London, glugging chardonnay and thinking she's hilaaaaarious, but these days my summer fun is largely confined to my back garden, the kids and the sprinkler.
Unfortunately, the troops were a little bit squiffy when the rules were being explained and didn't grasp the skill aspect of the throwing.
With his friend Squiffy, the water vole, and using the advice of friend Billy the goat, Dewi tries to nurse and rescue a burned rat named Bomber.