``And now,'' said Locksley, ``I will crave your Grace's permission to plant such a
mark as is used in the North Country; and welcome every brave yeoman who shall try a shot at it to win a smile from the bonny lass he loves best.''
He has only to put her through an unconscious examination by getting her to read and
mark a few of his favourite authors, and he is thus in possession of the master clues of her character.
Quest of the Golden Girl
and German ten-year bonds narrowed 20 basis points, to end the quarter at 90 basis points, the dollar continued to move higher against the German
mark as market participants focused on developments in Europe.
Treasury and Federal Reserve foreign exchange operations
By possessing the "sacred flame," Maecenas not only holds the "poetic fire" that creates and inspires, but also the power to canonize and
mark as sacred, certifying a work as aesthetically and culturally legitimate.
Re-membering America: Phyllis Wheatley's intertextual epic
If the owner is not using the same trade
mark as was registered, the registration may be expunged.
Trade marks are important business assets
So David Rhoads and Donald Michie,
Mark as Story (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1982), 113-14.
Precious, inevitable scandal: theology of the cross in Mark
You could read
Mark as using an example that the Spirit descended on Jesus with the speed of a dove.
Questioning Mark
His conversion indicts a crew member's searing words, uttered shortly before the Allmuseri uprising, which characterize Calhoun as a shallow, worthless, anonymous piece of cargo: "'Once we reach New Orleans the rest of us kin sign on to other ships, and Calhoun'll go on his own way, like he's always done, believin' in nothin', belongin' to nobody, driftin' here and there and dyin', probably, in a ditch without so much as leavin' a mark on the world - or as much of a
mark as you get from writin' on water'" (88).
"Leavin' a mark on the wor(l)d": marksmen and marked men in 'Middle Passage.'
It initially encountered selling pressure against the
mark as investors sought to cover their intra-European exposures by buying marks.
Treasury and Federal Reserve foreign exchange operations
Moreover, the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, which use Mark as their primary source, and the Fourth Gospel, which may also count Mark among its sources, all include appearances of the risen Jesus.
On the impact of Mark as a coherent narrative see Richard Horsley, Hearing the Whole Story: The Politics of Plot in Mark's Gospel (Louisville" Westminster John Knox, 2001), and David Rhoads, Joanna Dewey and Donald Michie, Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1999).
Following Jesus in Galilee: resurrection as empowerment in the Gospel of Mark
Her mark is interpreted in various, mostly negative, ways throughout the novel: Nel's children think of the mark as a "scary black thing" (97-98), and Jude, Nel's husband, who gets angry when Sula will not participate in the "milkwarm commiseration" he needs to feel like a man, thinks that Sula has a copperhead over her eye (103).
The mark as rose and snake signifies the beauty and danger of Sula's kind of freedom.
'Sula' and 'Beloved': images of Cain in the novels of Toni Morrison
Then on February 7, the West German government announced plans for immediate talks on monetary union between East and West Germany, and the dollar began to firm against the mark as attention quickly focused on the possible inflationary consequences of such a move.
At that time, the dollar also came under more intense upward pressure against the mark as fears of German inflation intensified.
Treasury and Federal reserve foreign exchange operations