les pratiques, representations, expressions, connaissances et
savoir-faire (je souligne)--ainsi que les instruments, objets, artefacts et espaces culturels qui leur sont associes--que les communautes, les groupes et, le cas echeant, les individus reconnaissent comme faisant partie de leur patrimoine culturel (UNESCO, 2003: 2).
La captation patrimoniale des savoir-faire horlogers au risque de leur transmission
"We're thrilled to partner with such a rapidly growing company as BonitaSoft," said Sven Werlen, Director of Enterprise Solutions at
Savoir-faire Linux.
I have given the name "worldliness" to this voice, by which I do not mean the jaded
savoir-faire of the man about town, but rather a knowing and unafraid attitude towards exploring the world we live in.
Edward said remembered: the style of intellectual celebrity
The books are divided into different sections: a section which provides a detailed overview of the themes and information provided in the alphabetical entries; the Alphabetical Guide list, in alphabetical order, everything a person needs to know about the world of tea or coffee including detailed discussions of all major varieties of tea and coffee, historical information, and essential
savoir-faire for connoisseurs; In the Little Book of Tea, the Connoisseur's Guide section describes which teas can be found in specific places in the world and what they are used for; and the Infusion Chart is for those who are willing to take on the delicate task of infusing their own tea.
The little book of tea and coffee. (Product Showcase)
The corporates ensure that the companies that service them are aware of the dangers and more likely to be ready, and the smaller firms themselves acquire the multinationals' millennial
savoir-faire and avoid the same mistakes.
UK Y2K Watchdog Launches Mentoring Scheme
Unfortunately, even if such reforms are put in place, too many people lack the
savoir-faire, sophisticated tastes, and cultural awareness needed to make them competitive either in their personal or professional lives.
21st century agenda
Maria DiBattista's essay on Charlotte Bronte's
savoir-faire brings to the forefront a woman's predicament of being part of a home, yet detached from it in the role of the governess.
Home and Its Dislocations in Nineteenth-Century France
The same
savoir-faire dissed the reader with Sally Jessy spelled Sally Jesse.
Not unpolitically correct comments
Il a prUu[c]cisUu[c] qu'il y aura des Uu[c]quipes techniques qui "vont discuter de ce qui pourra se faire dans un cadre de partenariat entre les entreprises nationales disposant du
savoir-faire en matiUuA re de technologie pharmaceutique et les Uu[c]quipes cubaines", soulignant que les Cubains "ont Uu[c]galement le
savoir-faire, notamment dans la biotechnologie, et possUuA dent des Uu[c]quipes techniques qui vont nous donner des conclusions sur les projets qui vont Uuo"tre mis en place".
Sante : Ojeda salue la cooperation algero-cubaine
Pour ce styliste, surnomme [beaucoup moins que]le Prince du desert[beaucoup plus grand que], le FIMA est une maniere de rassembler les peuples et de montrer que l'Afrique a un
savoir-faire qui doit appartenir aux africains, notant que le Maroc, en organisant ce grand forum a Dakhla, [beaucoup moins que]offre une chance aux africains, parce que c'est la paix qui va s'installer reellement si on s'entend, on cree de la richesse, et si on travaille la main dans la main[beaucoup plus grand que].
Dakh, capitale africaine de la mode : Le reve d'alphadi
Enriching the Jeddah art scene, Van Cleef & Arpels presented an exhibition illustrating the craftsmanship and
savoir-faire of the master jeweler - In Praise of Hands - at the Van Cleef & Arpels boutique in Jameel Square on Tahlia Street, Jeddah.
Van Cleef & Arpels celebrates fine jewelry art
Ces centres auront notamment pour mission de creer et de developper un environnement qui favorise la croissance, la mise en reseau et l'echange de
savoir-faire entrepreneurial pour les PME dans la region euro-mediterraneenne.
Signature d'un memorandum d'entente entre la Tunisie et la chambre du commerce de Milan