We also meet teachers Julie and Richard, who hope their Cocker Spaniel puppy will fill
the empty nest now their sons are leaving home, and the Chinery family from Berkshire, who are seeking tips with managing energetic Cockerpoo Benji.
Puppy School C4, 8pm With []; TV GUIDE; FRIDAY MAY 31
My husband and I kept
the empty nest. It is a thing of such beauty so finely made.
Robins' nest-building reminds me of parents at border
The empty nest syndrome is associated more with women.
Kids Leaving Home is a Mixed Bag of Emotions
For them,
the empty nest can take away part of their identity and brings a real sense of loss.
WHAT IS IT? Empty-nest syndrome
Remember you are still a parent and the season of
the empty nest can be just as rich and fulfilling as that of a full nest, but it takes time to adjust.
Advice for parents
"However, while
the empty nest can be a challenging time, it can also give you the freedom and opportunity to rediscover hobbies and interests, reconnect with your partner and/or friends and to create new and happy memories.
Parents' guide to helping your child through university years; Katharine Hill, UK Director at Care for the Family and author of parenting book 'If You Forget Everything Else Remember This' helps solve your parenting problems
"We may be about to encounter
the empty nest, but at least it will be cheaper to go on holiday.
My gift for gags saved marriage; Comic John Bishop talks to ROZ LAWS LA about empty nest syndrome and the excitement of being back on the road
The empty nest syndrome will now affect both Jenner parents and all the drama will surely be documented in the family's host of reality TV shows.
Kylie Jenner Admits Butting Heads With Kim Kardashian And Reveals Plans To Move Out
"Her" wonders if they might be our lovers instead, but also wonders how we'll cope when, like children, they outgrow us and leave us behind in
the empty nest of the physical world.
Falling behind in technology--and romance
I could tell you many wonderful things about chickens, but today I'm thinking about how they hopped into my empty nest and filled it pretty full."--From "A Flock of Chickens: RX for
the Empty Nest Syndrome" Marie and her husband, Jim, are developing a farm in the Pacific Northwest with their adult children and grandchildren.
Adventures in rural living
"Feeling very upset and unsettled, as I did, is extremely common," says author Celia Dodd, who's researched the topic for her new book,
The Empty Nest: How To Survive And Stay Close To Your Adult Child.
the empty nest syndrome When the children have all left home You think of the past.
"When boomers reach
the empty nest stage, they discover that they no longer need all of the financial relationships that they have accumulated over 40 years of homebuilding and career development.
Boomers stray from financial relationships
the empty nest has made place for more than it held before!
Empty nests, empty purses and more
THE Merseyside mother of Britain's first sextuplets has told of her happiness after five of them returned to
the empty nest.
It's an open door as sextuplets go home