Unsurprisingly the European elections are of no interest to most people as the horse-trading that goes on in Cyprus politics is magnified on a larger scale in Strasbourg where the various groupings get together to
ride the gravy train.
CYPRUS: European elections are for the brave and not so bold
RAIL passengers are facing the biggest fares hike in five years - while fatcat controllers
ride the gravy train.
GOING LOCO; Train company bosses pocket huge pay rises as fares hiked; EXCLUSIVE
Rail passengersare facing the biggest fares hike in five years - while fatcat controllers
ride the gravy train.
Commuters will have to pay up to [pounds sterling]300 more a year for train fares - as bosses get pay rises worth thousands; Fares are rising by an average of 3.4 per cent next week while directors are earning up to 28% more a year
And for goodness sake will our politicians, whose only ambition in life is to
ride the gravy train to Strasbourg, stop telling lies on why we should remain in a political union with the EU.
Osborne giving in to the EU bullies
They have lost all credibility The yellows, red and blue It's time to call a taxi For we have seen right through You just do not get it Maybe you are too thick I do not wish to be unkind But you lot get on our wick All three of you ignored us When concerns we raised with you Called us all sorts of names Now you're done, you're through Career politicians you have had your day The country has been patient Now go, be on your way Politicians, councillors Who
ride the gravy train We will now vote you out And don't come back again William Allen, Westcotes, Tile Hill.
Poet's corner; Letters letters@coventrytelegraph.net They Have No Honour
In this way, they can not only confuse people's minds and distract their attention, but also polarize society so that they can
ride the gravy train.
Why do they toy with the agenda?
"For those who
ride the gravy train," he writes, "doing what's necessary to keep it rolling takes precedence over contemplating ...
Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country
The Tories claim we're all in it together but ordinary people are all being forced to rein in their spending because of cruel cutbacks while MPs continue to
ride the gravy train. It must be the only job in the world that allows employees to make these ridiculous claims for second homes.
Halt the gravy train; your letters
Being an MP these days seems to be a ticket to
ride the gravy train of highly paid part-time opportunities with private businesses.
Help jobless before they go homeless; "You say... " Tell us what YOU think mailbox@people.co.uk
Brokers are getting ready to
ride the gravy train to a record year if refi business continues to pump at levels apparent in February.
Ride the Wave
And today we have the Give A Washed Up Politician Another Chance To
Ride The Gravy Train elections.
Time to derail the gravy train
Our politicians will never defend our right to exist as an independent country because they all want to
ride the gravy train to Brussels now that the Westminster express has been derailed.
Let's get out of the EU; Your shout
She says: "Just because mommy and daddy are rich and famous, that doesn't mean he should
ride the gravy train through life."
SEX AND THE GEEKY; S.A.T.C. EXCLUSIVE 1 Sarah Jessica Parker grew up poor, plain and the butt of endless jibes about her big nose, frizzy hair and bushy brows.. but as Sex & The City hits the cinema, she's now worth an astonishing pounds 20M
Too many politicians
ride the gravy train while inciting divide-and-rule tactics against the rest of us.
To the Point; your letters