run interference

Related to run interference: run roughshod, On a par, hold off, come to fruition

run interference

To take actions to prevent or avoid certain problems or situations, typically on someone's behalf. A reference to a strategy in American football in which a blocker attempts to prevent defensive players from tackling the player running with the ball. Unless you want to hear Uncle Glen and Aunt Mildred squabbling all night, we need to run interference. I ran interference at my party so that my recently divorced friends didn't have to talk to each other.
See also: run
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

run interference

Handle problems or help clear the way for another, as in The press secretary runs interference for the governor. This term comes from football, where it refers to the blocking of defensive players by offensive players to let the ball carrier advance. Its figurative use dates from the mid-1900s.
See also: run
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

run interference

intervene on someone's behalf, typically so as to protect them from distraction or annoyance. North American informal
Run interference is a metaphor from American football, where it refers to the legal blocking of an opponent to clear a way for the ball carrier.
See also: run
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

run interˈference

(American English, informal) help somebody by dealing with problems for them so that they do not need to deal with them: You’ve been running interference for your crazy brother too long.
In American football, if you run interference, you clear the way for the player with the ball by blocking players from the opposing team.
See also: run
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • cover
  • grab (someone or something) by the throat
  • grab someone by the throat
  • grab someone/something by the throat
  • get someone's dander up, to
  • help (someone) along
  • help along
  • die on
  • die on (someone or something)
  • die on someone
References in periodicals archive
Indeed, some of the video tests on the VE and Avia discs were impossible to fathom without special test gear and a certified video technician to run interference. However, for most individuals these "limitations" will be no big deal, and generally what the new disc offers is just about all any video enthusiast will need to decently fine-tune a good TV monitor.
It's like they run interference so that you can't possibly give the medication that you think is best for that child," she said.
But best of all, a couple of tanks to run interference for his buses - and it's another medal for General Kreppel, a victory parade for us punters.
I was going to offer to take him on my "Travis McGee's Sarasota tour--it's only $14 and includes a shopping stop at the Ellenton outlet mall--but whenever I got near him publicist Gary Springer would run interference. It was almost like he was trying to keep me away from him.
Want someone to run interference for you on a records request?
Also, you shouldn't limit your focus to CEOs; don't underestimate the value of knowing the gatekeepers--the secretaries, executive assistants, and other professionals who can either run interference for you or interfere with your efforts to make a connection with a person of influence.
If he does at all--and Harron breathes ambiguity into his actions with escalating surrealism--well, it's tough being a supercompetitive straight white guy having to run interference all day long.
Some states have supplemented the new approach with cabinet-level offices to run interference for businesses, helping them to cut deals or avoid penalties.
"He helps to run interference with the physicians," says Gareau.
Run interference. Don't replace the mugs on the wall rack, don't leave dishes out, don't leave knives around the kitchen.