
  • a rope of sand
  • at the end of (one's) rope
  • at the end of rope
  • be at the end of (one's) rope
  • be money for old rope
  • be on the ropes
  • be shown the ropes
  • carry a rope in (one's) pocket
  • end of one's rope, at the
  • end of one's rope/tether, at the/come to the
  • enough rope, give someone
  • enough rope, to give (someone)
  • give (one) enough rope
  • give (one) enough rope to hang (oneself)
  • give a man enough rope and he will hang himself
  • Give enough rope and he'll hang himself
  • give him enough rope and he'll hang himself
  • give somebody enough rope
  • give someone enough rope
  • give someone enough rope to hang themselves
  • go piss up a rope
  • jump rope
  • know the ropes
  • know the ropes, to
  • learn the ropes
  • money for old rope
  • on the ropes
  • on the ropes, to be
  • piss up a rope
  • put a rope to the eye of a needle
  • rope (one) into (doing) (something)
  • rope in
  • rope in Go to rope into
  • rope into
  • rope into doing
  • rope of sand
  • rope off
  • rope or an animal up
  • rope someone in
  • rope together
  • rope up
  • ropes
  • show (one) the ropes
  • show somebody/learn/know the ropes
  • show someone the ropes
  • skip rope
  • skipping rope
  • take someone in
  • the end of (one's) rope
  • the ropes
  • you'd complain if you were hung with a new rope
References in classic literature
There was no other way of which I knew, nor could I afford to ignore the advice to "follow the rope." I must cross this room, but however I should accomplish it undetected with that old man in the very center of it baffled me.
The trailing rope in their hands, to his neck, he had forgotten.
The procession began to move, to the impressive strains of a battle-chant, and I said to myself, "Now, if the rope don't break I judge THIS will fetch that guide into the camp." I watched the rope gliding down the hill, and presently when I was all fixed for triumph I was confronted by a bitter disappointment; there was no guide tied to the rope, it was only a very indignant old black ram.
Nearer and nearer she came to where Tarzan of the Apes crouched upon his limb, the coils of his long rope poised ready in his hand.
Because he ran at the end of the longest rope, the dogs had always the view of him running away before them.
Hans takes Gretel, ties her to a rope, leads her to the rack, and binds her fast.
And then a number of things happened, almost simultaneously--the lion sprang from his ambush toward the retreating black--Tarzan cried out in warning--and the black turned just in time to see Numa halted in mid-flight by a slender strand of grass rope, the noosed end of which had fallen cleanly about his neck.
By this time the lion's efforts had almost ceased--it was evident that he was being rapidly strangled and as that did not at all suit the purpose of the Tarmangani the latter swung again into the tree, unfastened the rope from above and lowered the lion to the ground where he immediately followed it and loosed the noose about Numa's neck.
He smiled in retrospection at the discomfiture of his enemy, and in anticipation of another day as he added an extra strand to his new rope.
Then the rope was removed, and he was flung into a cagelike crate.
'And see now!' added Riderhood, creeping aft, and showing a stretched rope made fast there and towing overboard.
The little man backed away and came down again with enormous energy, but at the end of each manoeuvre his dory swung round and snubbed herself on her rope.
and with his own hands he rigged a nest of basketed bowlines; and sending a hand aloft, with a single sheaved block, to secure to the main-mast head, he received the two ends of the downward-reeved rope; and attaching one to his basket prepared a pin for the other end, in order to fasten it at the rail.
Mugridge's face turned white under its sooty veneer, and when Wolf Larsen called for a rope and a couple of men, the miserable Cockney fled wildly out of the galley and dodged and ducked about the deck with the grinning crew in pursuit.
Even Rivera's own seconds warmed to something akin to cheerfulness when Danny ducked jauntily through the ropes and entered the ring.