

slang A dog or puppy. This word is commonly used in memes. What a cute pupper!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • pillow-biter
  • (as) cute as a bug's ear
  • (something) blows
  • (as) gay as a three-dollar bill
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • #dead
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • a copy
  • out of one's
References in periodicals archive
The "pupper" garnered many fans online as people found his antics "adorable".
* Perry County Humane Society Souper Dooper Pupper Supper: 4:30-8 p.m.
Called the Pupper Controller Attachment, the new stylized Joy-Con grip is set to arrive on Dec.
Pupper, doggo or pupperinos come in all shapes and sizes.
* PUPPER (bearer of pups) SUSSER (one who susses out: W3 1986 Addenda)
"Nutter the Survivor" is a fresh, inspiring adventure tale about an unusual white puppy named Nutter Butter Muncher Wutter Pupper who desires to escape from her cramped, caged life to a world of freedom and dreams of a loving home.
Key themes include: conversion; details of Devout piety (resolutions, exercises, reading, meditations, self-examination, scrapbooks, mutual reproof); influence of early figures such as Jerome, Cassian, and Gregory; founding figures Geert Grote, Florens Radewijns, Gerhart Zerbolt, John Pupper, and Dirk of Herxen; social, political, and legal interactions with civic and ecclesial authorities; the role of literacy and access to vernacular works; schools for boys; the importance of poverty; and livelihood in textiles and bookmaking.
And there are additional adventures afoot on subsequent pages: in an unexpectedly provocative set of interviews that might be dubbed "adventures in translation"; in Danny Hoch's passionate manifesto for a hip-hop generation; in the primal beauty of the outdoor spectacles of the great Bread & Pupper Theater.
You're definitely going to come away from the movie wanting to immediately adopt a pupper. You've been warned.
Bread & Pupper is itself merciless and unflinching in demonstrating this in starkest manifestation--the inhumanity of humanity, the untold anguish people inflict on one another, the lack of humane global goals.
Don't be fooled, that is not a reindeer, that is a good pupper and his Frenchie friend.
19, world pupper diva Eileen Blumenthal investigates the rarefied intricacies of Japanese dogugaeshi in a show-and-tell that includes puppeteer Basil Twist and his collaborator, shamisen musician Yumiko Tanaka, at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
But Barrera likes the Tuff Pupper PupSipper ($19.95, tuffpupper.com), a bottle with an attachable bowl.
Blake Is Vanilla: The bachelorette also revealed that the girls thought that Blake was "really vanilla" and just a "dull and slimy estate agent." They also realised that the bachelor was just a "producer's pupper."
Ann's, participants are encouraged to think what kinds of manipulation best suit each "cast member." Should it be a rod pupper? A marionette?