The company's 2013 run--its second at Lincoln Center's David Koch Theater--featured dances to early New Orleans jazz (3 Epitaphs), wartime ditties by the Andrews Sisters (Company B), and even
elevator music arranged for orchestra (Lost, Found and Lost).
Taylor Baroque
The launch event next week sees a special guest appearance from Manchester's XXXY the guy behind the Fabric compilation
Elevator Music. Support comes from D3ADLINE, a young producer who I'm informed mixes 2-step garage, ambient and house music.
Much of this has to do with melody and lyrics, but a sizeable amount of credit lies at the feet of charismatic lead singer Hamed Sinno.Now,I realise I went over much of this in our 100th issue,but the reason I mention it again is because something I didn't think would happen has come to pass.A brand has had the balls to step outside the safe haven of Arabic pop and
elevator music to embrace an alternative artist.
Don't tell me someone's actually taken a risk
It's repetitive, but it's not wallpaper or
elevator music designed to zone you out -- it's an emotional landscape a few degrees below boiling point.
Radiant music illuminates Salon and Borusan Music House
Gone are the days of
elevator music, dark lighting, and pushy design staff.
Introducing Stephanie Bennett, BFA, Calgary Modern Furniture Designer
is?" These pleas are the
elevator music soundtrack to my life.
were impossible and that "
elevator music" was a foolish
Hyde Park's Garden House Project lures people in with a shiny black Mercedes (16,000 a month on the drip) and the dulcet tones of
elevator music wafting through their air.
Spending spree: skyrocketing skyscrapers
IL DIVO Simon Cowell's opera me creation have had huge s The foursome - Carlos M Sebastien Izambard, Dav and Urs Buhler - return w their fifth album Wicked where, no doubt, they tu Chris Isaak's emotional cl into
elevator music. Tour begins April 1 at Glasgow
"The Romney video has no narrator or anyone speaking - just
elevator music over a backdrop of text and images - and it attacks Mr.
The Midday Brief: Nov. 2, 2011
Does it bother you when people say that instrumental music is just
elevator music, something that you put on in the background?
Mattson two
Doing things right, like ensuring callers don't endure several minutes of 1980s
elevator music and fixing problems when they occur, is also branding.
Branding is much more than a sharp logo
It is far too nice of an establishment to have to put up with casual shoppers as they walk by along with the poor
elevator music that seemed to play throughout.
Restaurant Review: Sushi and shopping at Zn Lounge
This is not to say her song or performance were great, merely that they were better than the
elevator music of the others.
Euroderision: tortured into spending Saturday night watching the blind leading the-almost-blind
By that I do not mean that it is inconsequential
elevator music. It is music of beauty of depth played by a young horn master.