When various bad guys mark Ollie for assassination her family tries to protect her but even they have to call on a bigger gun--Augustus Granger who can
read minds and memories and also possess souls if he so desires.
Oracle's Legacy
PATRICK Jane is the Mentalist - no, not a crazy person, but instead a Derren Brown-type character who can almost
read minds based on body language and voice.
Since they can
read minds, move things, or change their density to stop a car in its tracks, which powers would he choose and why?
The Rock shows his softer side; GRAHAM YOUNG meets fast-rising Hollywood hunk Dwayne Johnson
He can fly, make himself invisible, walk through walls,
read minds and save the world as the nurse turned super-hero.
Hottest hunks on TV; CUPID is busy shooting his arrows today and aiming for lovers everywhere. TV writer MARION McMULLEN checks out who scores a bullseye among the sexiest Valentine's Day stars on the box
Cox can't actually
read minds, his skill is to make it look like he can, but even that is too convincing for some people.
A mongrel of magic; Chris Cox is, whether he likes it or not, the new Derren Brown - but much funnier. GAVIN ALLEN meets a very likeable man... although in forming that impression he may have been subject to mind control
"I can't
read minds, but you have to keep telling the players just to get out there and give it their best shot.
Rugby Union: sport ROUND-UP - Scotland told to target their man; RUGBY WORLD CUP
From changing the color of water to making coins disappear, appearing to
read minds and more, Poof!
Poof! You're a Magician
The strange metallic box contains out-of-this-world objects - Emma believes that one, the eponymous stuffed rabbit, can
read minds; while Noah plunges the area into darkness with another, which puts a terrrorist expert (Michael Clarke Duncan) on their trail.
Reviews: DVDs & Videos:
The idea of being able to
read minds was one of his first hopes, perhaps including the possibility of discovering direct communication between minds.
Humanist Values, Brain Science, and "Mind-Reading"
I can
read minds. If you think of a name I can tell you the exact name you're thinking.
Ford Thomson, consultant children's psychiatrist to the Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury group of hospitals, was instructed by a Government minister to find children with abnormally high IQs and the gift of ESP - extra sensory perception: the ability to
read minds and move objects at will - and these children were duly found, first in Wolverhampton, then in Liverpool and other cities.
Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the power to
read minds?
Bamboo shoots straight
By monitoring the brains of people watching movies and then re-creating what the people saw, the new release has tiptoed closer to technology that can
read minds by decoding mental activities, researchers report in the Oct.
It knows what you're watching: brain-scan method can re-create what viewer sees
London, Jan 14 (ANI): Experts have come up with a new application for the iPhone that has the ability to
read minds.
Now, an iPhone app that can read minds!
Professor Eleanor Maguire, who led the researchers, said she wanted to advance science and help patients rather than
read minds.
THE PC THAT READS MINDS; Software can tell what you're thinking