rat race, a
rat race
1. A fierce competition for success, wealth, or power. The company's environment felt like a rat race—employees were constantly sabotaging each other to climb the corporate ladder.
2. A busy, tiring routine. Cathy was tired of the rat race and knew she needed to get a less stressful job.
See also: race, rat
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
rat race
Fig. a fierce struggle for success, especially in one's career or business. Bob got tired of the rat race. He's retired and gone to the country. The money market is a rat race, and many people who work in it get out quickly because of the stress.
See also: race, rat
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
rat race
Fierce competition to maintain or improve one's position in the workplace or social life. For example, You may not realize what a rat race it is to get research grants. This term presumably alludes to the rat's desperate struggle for survival. [Colloquial; first half of 1900s]
See also: race, rat
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
rat race
n. a dull and repetitive situation; a dull and unrewarding job. (see also daily grind.) I am really tired of this rat race—day after day. She dropped out of the rat race and moved to Vermont, where she opened a barber shop.
See also: race, rat
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
rat race, a
A relentless competition or struggle to advance oneself, or even to keep up. A twentieth-century expression transferring the rodent’s struggle for survival, it originated in America. It appears in Christopher Morley’s Kitty Foyle (1939): “Their own private life gets to be a rat race.”
See also: rat
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
- rat race
- the rat race
- sewer rat
- like a drowned rat
- every man is his own worst enemy
- claw (one's) way to the top
- claw way to the top
- (one's) own worst enemy
- one's own worst enemy
- your own worst enemy