Related to spell: spell checker, Cast a Spell, spell check
1. informal A period of some particular kind of weather. It looks like we're in for a dry spell. I hope this cold spell ends soon—I'm sick of being stuck inside.
2. informal A bout, fit, or period of some particular kind of physical or mental distress or disorder. I've been having these strange dizzy spells lately. I always get into a depressed spell around this time of year.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
spell someone (at something)
to take a turn at doing something while the person who was doing it can take a rest. I will spell you at selling tickets while you go and grab a bite to eat.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- a good spell
- be under (someone's) spell
- be under the spell of (someone)
- break a/the spell
- break the spell
- breathing spell
- cast a spell
- cast a spell on (someone or something)
- cold snap
- come in and set a spell
- Come in and sit a spell
- death by spell check
- Do I have to spell it out (for you)?
- Do I have to spell it out?
- dry spell
- fall under (someone's) spell
- fall under spell
- fall under the spell of (someone)
- have (someone) in (one's) spell
- have (someone) under (one's) spell
- have in spell
- set a spell
- sit a spell
- spell
- spell (something) for (someone or something)
- spell disaster
- spell disaster Fig
- spell down
- spell for
- spell off
- spell out
- spell trouble
- spend (something) for (something)
- spend (something) on (someone or something)
- under (one's) spell
- under a spell
- under somebody's spell
- under someone's spell
- under the spell of (someone)
- you can't spell (something) without (something else)