can't even

can't even

slang Cannot handle (something). A phrase used (usually comically) when one cannot articulate their strong feelings (often of frustration) about something or someone. I can't even with this show! How many awesome characters are they going to kill off? A: "Did you hear that Mary and Joe broke up again?" B: "Ugh, I can't even with those two. I hope this break-up is permanent!" Did you see that kitten's sweet little face? I can't even!
See also: even

I can't even

I cannot even begin to form a coherent response to or express my thoughts about this; I cannot even begin to deal with this. Said when one has difficulty responding to, commenting on, or dealing with something, such as an overwhelming situation or controversial comment. Look at this mess—ugh, I can't even.
See also: even
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • I can't even
  • cannot
  • cannot but
  • cannot make head or tail of something
  • can't make head nor tail of (someone or something)
  • can't make head or tail of
  • can't make head or/nor tail of something
  • can't make heads or tails (out) of (someone or something)
  • can't make heads or tails of
  • (Are) you kidding (me)?
References in classic literature
What place it will be we can't even guess at this moment, but we're sure to find out when we get there."
'I can't even account for the extraordinary pallor of your complexion.
So that I can't even bring the children up by myself, and may find it hard with the help of other people, at the cost of humiliation.
"So long ago," Emily replied, "that I can't even remember her death.
"Just at present they are out of mischief and perfectly safe, for they can't even wiggle."
you can't even speak to such a perfectly pliable person as Lady Lundie?
Why, I'm that tired Sunday I can't even read the papers.
"Can't even save myself, Em," he returned, in a husky voice, "for the animile looks as if it could eat both of us an' lick its chops for more!
You can't even deny that I am within my rights if I claim now at this instant the reward for my apostasy."
Is true, as they tell me, that I can't even go away?"
For what you have done I can only ask God to bless you, ma'am, and as to thanking you I can't even "
First, it will open the conversation (you can't even drink a bottle of wine without opening it first): and secondly, if he's seen the Other Professor, we shall find him that way: and, if he hasn't, we sha'n't."
They can't even tell a woman she is charming without looking foolish."
They can't even cook a chicken respectably; and as for carving it, they do that with a hatchet.
Her dad, Pat, said yesterday: "My wee girl can't even stand to look in a mirror.