"If the opportunity presents itself, we're going to
push for it full bore....
Class-action reform bill fails vote in senate
CEF's executive director serves on the
PUSH for Excellence board with Jackson's son, Jonathan.
Jesse Jackson's Corporate Cash Cow
Minnesota: Republicans in the legislature are expected to push for converting the state's tuition tax deduction program, which benefits primarily private school patrons, into tuition tax credits, a more direct form of aid.
Nebraska: The state's Catholic bishops have announced another push for tuition tax credits.
STATE OF THE STATES: Religious School Aid Battles Around The Country
I am certain that there is a place for
push for certain people and within certain organizations.
Maybe it's time to push back: Is push technology living up to its promise to transform Web publishing?
Some activists compare the effort to build momentum for campaign-finance reform to the
push for nationalized health care in Canada -- which happened through a grassroots effort, one province at a time.
Not dead yet
Among Operation PUSH programs is
PUSH For Excellence (PUSH-Excel), which was founded in 1976 to inspire youth to seek knowledge and to realize the importance of education as the foundation for economic and social advancement.
PUSH celebrates 25th anniversary; civil rights organization notes gains and announces new Network and agenda
His self-help project,
PUSH for Excellence (PUSH Excel), founded four years before Ronald Reagan would campaign for president under the same "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" theme in 1980, attracted millions in federal dollars, thanks to former Vice President Hubert H.
Jesse: The Life and Pilgrimage of Jesse Jackson
It comes as no surprise that the real
push for push is most likely to come from business itself.
Push back: an old technology teaches content new tricks don't laugh
In an effort to curb gun violence, black elected officials and organizations are using political muscle to
push for gun control legislation.
The battle over gun control: the black community has the greatest stake in the outcome of the gun control debate