raise some eyebrows

raise (some/a few) eyebrows

To elicit shock, surprise, or offense, typically through unconventional actions or words. The phrase typically suggests negative attention or judgment. Her irreverent chatter during the ceremony raised eyebrows. My best friend's pink hair definitely raised a few eyebrows at our very strict school.
See also: eyebrow, raise
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

raise some eyebrows

 and raise a few eyebrows
Fig. to shock or surprise people mildly (by doing or saying something). (Some can be replaced with a few, someone's, a lot of, etc.) What you just said may raise some eyebrows, but it shouldn't make anyone really angry. John's sudden marriage to Ann raised a few eyebrows.
See also: eyebrow, raise
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • cause (some) eyebrows to raise
  • cause eyebrows to raise and cause some raised eyebrows
  • cause raised eyebrows
  • cause some raised eyebrows
  • eyebrow
  • raise (some/a few) eyebrows
  • keel over
  • any (one) worth (one's) salt
  • young man
  • walk off
References in periodicals archive
It's not known how long Tom will be on the soap, but his arrival is expected to raise some eyebrows in the village.
The breeding of the 77-pounder may raise some eyebrows but he is actually bred in the purple.
The app will surely raise some eyebrows over the issue of texting while driving and the risk of a road rage punch up, which could land drivers in trouble.
The news item should raise some eyebrows. Blair is a man who through lies and deception helped launch an illegal and immoral war that has resulted in the death or displacement of millions of people and turned a country into chaos, and who has steadfastly refused to admit any regrets over the results of his policies.
The timing of the announcement is sure to raise some eyebrows with Hamilton is comfortable with the decision.
By any stretch, the basic facts raise some eyebrows. The Wall Street Journal covered Gee and a governance review's findings in a feature story about new spending scrutiny in higher education.
The big jump to pounds 5.5million in the cost of transporting them by train, plane and automobile will raise some eyebrows.
Even if these monster mills don't scare Western paper companies now, they should at least raise some eyebrows and cause some spreadsheets to be opened.
HE might have toned down his clothes for the week but Ian Poulter still found a way to raise some eyebrows at Pinehurst by using a Mini-Me replica of his own head to cover his driver.
This approach may raise some eyebrows about providing the most recent snapshot of social change and "communityness" occurring in the agrarian towns, particularly since the research examines processes associated with the transformation from agrarian towns to postagrarian communities.
38, is bound to raise some eyebrows among this book's readers.
Along with an especially pleasant family setting, "Talboys" presents a view of child-rearing sure to raise some eyebrows today.
Even "judicial gaze" (24), which might raise some eyebrows, works here, as does "discourse of impotence" (70).
No Rules is sure to raise some eyebrows. Nonetheless, it contains practical information that can help anyone--from professionals to entrepreneurs to new college graduates--consider avenues they may have overlooked on the road to personal success.
WHILE it may raise some eyebrows, all families choose to do things differently and we should respect those differences.