To the security of a free Constitution it contributes in various ways: by convincing those who are entrusted with the public administration, that every valuable end of government is best answered by the enlightened confidence of the people; and by teaching the people themselves to know, and to value their own rights; to discern and
provide against invasions of them; to distinguish between oppression and the necessary exercise of lawful authority ...
Bread and circuses: mass entertainment focusing on emotional and sensory stimulation has put Americans in danger of suffering the fate of the Romans, who entertained themselves into oblivion. (Mass Entertainment)
A method to estimate the amount of protection trees
provide against ultraviolet-B radiation that may influence how communities are built and the incidence of skin cancer has been developed at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.
Trees provide ultraviolet-B protection. (Climate)
Homer Laughlin China's Fiesta[R] settings have been found to improve the eating habits of Alzheimer's residents because of the contrast they
provide against the food being served, which makes the resident more aware of the meal in front of them.
Colorful China. (Product Spotlight)
provide against this, stringers 36 feet long were laid across and the bridge carried out a considerable distance on either side.
Athabasca trail (road repairs in 1901)
Other East Asian nations would do well to heed these lessons and to make realistic calculations now of how long it will take their banks to
provide against ''bubble economy'' bad debt in an environment of low economic growth.
Asian editorial excerpts-LESSONS FROM JAPAN'S WOES
Seeming to heal the wounds of war, finally, and to
provide against a repetition, they gave western Europe a feeling of security.
In addition
Unreasonable accumulations are evidenced by loans to shareholders or using corporate funds for shareholders' personal benefit; loans having no reasonable relation to the business, especially if made to shareholders' relatives, friends or related corporations; investments that are unrelated to the corporation's business; or the retention of earnings to
provide against unrealistic hazards.(10)
The accumulated earnings tax: a practical approach to a subjective assessment
Summary: DUBAI - UAE banks that are owed money by two cash-strapped Saudi business groups have begun debt-restructuring talks with the borrowers and were awaiting advice from the UAE Central Bank about how much money to
provide against potential losses, bankers said on Thursday.
UAE Banks in Talks with Saudi Debtors
"We have set aside a special line of civvy suits of British manufacture for home wear for those anxious to
provide against the enormous prices now prevailing in the old country."
The fascination of old Cairo
provide against the danger of erroneous accusation," one commentator said in 1861, "the law humanely presumes that every newborn child has been born dead, until the contrary appears from medical or other evidence.
The Court's tangled web