
a priori

Believed without question. I'm shocked that there are people who just have an a priori acceptance of such wild theories.
See also: priori
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • a priori
  • ain’t 1
  • a wild card word for words beginning with
  • go out of
  • other than
  • other than (something)
  • pillow-biter
  • let something drop
  • play cards
  • on one
References in classic literature
I might say that, a priori , if one ever did exist, it must have been absorbed by the earth; but I prefer to bring forward indisputable facts."
Tulliver's arguments on the a priori ground of family relationship and monetary obligation; but Mr.
We may trace them in language, in philosophy, in mythology, in poetry, but we cannot argue a priori about them.
His avowal to Burghley, made as early as 1592, is famous: 'I have taken all knowledge to be my province.' Briefly stated, his purposes, constituting an absorbing and noble ambition, were to survey all the learning of his time, in all lines of thought, natural science, morals, politics, and the rest, to overthrow the current method of a priori deduction, deduction resting, moreover, on very insufficient and long-antiquated bases of observation, and to substitute for it as the method of the future, unlimited fresh observation and experiment and inductive reasoning.
No one would have guessed a priori that this movement of a middle-aged man's body would cause fish to come out of the sea into his larder, but experience shows that it does, and the middle-aged man therefore continues to go to the City, just as the cat in the cage continues to lift the latch when it has once found it.
He reasoned à priori - He reasoned also à posteriori.
We should not A PRIORI have expected it, but it is undoubtedly a fact.
"`The public is informed that on Wednesday, February 23d, being the first day of the Carnival, executions will take place in the Piazza del Popolo, by order of the Tribunal of the Rota, of two persons, named Andrea Rondola, and Peppino, otherwise called Rocca Priori; the former found guilty of the murder of a venerable and exemplary priest, named Don Cesare Torlini, canon of the church of St.
This comprehensive solution involved the overall project of identifying all "the sources of synthetic a priori cognition," (26) causality qua necessary connection being but one a priori category, among an interconnected many, and hence, his system as a whole comprises his complete response to Hume and must be taken into account.
What Place for the A Priori offers original essays on a priori knowledge in a fine collection suitable for college-level audiences strong in philosophy.
Specifically, G*Power software, which is compatible with both Mac and PC systems, is a free software program to assist researchers in conducting power analyses either a priori or post hoc (Mayr, Erdfelder, Buchner, & Faul, 2007).
What Place for the A Priori? is an anthology of essays by philosophers grappling with a conundrum dating back to at least the time of Plato and Aristotle: does "a priori" knowledge (that is, knowledge that does not require any appeal to experience) exist, and if so, how does it relate to other types of knowledge?
Assim, na comparacao com os metodos frequentistas, o metodo bayesiano, utilizando distribuicoes a priori uniformes, apresentou os melhores resultados.
A dusting of mineral make-up, like Priori Coffeeberry Natural Perfecting Minerals, will help conceal blemishes without blocking pores.
It has been suggested that anthropic selection may help account for this deviation from what might be expected a priori.