Massachusetts youth and community activist nonprofit the Steve Glidden Foundation, named in honor of one of the children lost in a 2001 tour bus accident in Canada, recently announced plans to
raffle off a new hybrid electric Honda Civic.
MA Charity Organization to Raffle Off Hybrid Civic
'They were teasing me that I should
raffle off something.
Lots of cash, tickets to Europe in House raffle
The eggs, which were donated by schools including Portland House, Lindley Junior School and Lindley Play Group, will be given to local businesses in the area to
raffle off as a Spring fundraiser.
Hospice Easter egg bonanza
"I can use such items to
raffle off for my charity appeals which will help boost their funds still further.
A good use for unloved presents
Mr Ranu, aged 33, said: "I have always donated money to charity but this time I decided to
raffle off a teddy bear as we sell a lot of them in the shop and they are very popular with the children.
Big softie proves a prize idea for charity
SHORT, thin Sunderland supporters in failing health are directed to the least successful football fund-raising idea since Crystal Palace tried to
raffle off Valentine's Day kisses from Iain Dowie.
3PM: Sunderland supporters
(b) if the said RTC has multiple branches designated as Special Commercial Courts,
raffle off the case among those special branches.
Lawyers and judges, take note
Generous Huddersfield employers are being asked to dig deep too, and
raffle off a day's annual leave on the February 29 amongst their staff, who will donate pounds 5 to the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign for a chance to win the day off work.
What to do on the extra day
Staff at LFE Handling in Curriers Close, Canley, raised the cash after managing director David Machin decided to
raffle off a signed Coventry City shirt the company had been given in a sponsorship deal with the club.
Soccer shirt that's a winner for children; CHILDREN IN NEED
Under the guidelines, an accused may move to have his or her bail amount set immediately and the executive judge must swiftly
raffle off the case to a regular court.
New SC rules to decongest jails, uphold right to bail
Or, people can
raffle off a Marie Curie 'Tinsel Ted' bear to raise funds.
Teddies to help raise funds
Employees at Peugeot's Torrington Avenue parts division, in Tile Hill, raised pounds 900 for Baby Lifeline after two employees decided to
raffle off bottles of wine left over from Christmas.
Driving force gets behind charity