radiate from

radiate from (someone or something)

1. To issue forth from someone or something in rays or waves. Heat radiated from the oven. There was an eerie glow radiating from the algae.
2. To be displayed by or exuded from someone or something in great abundance Confidence just radiates from him, don't you think? You could see the happiness radiating from Sally after she heard the news. Corruption and deception simply radiates from that company.
See also: radiate
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

radiate from someone or something

to spread out from someone or something, as with rays. Happiness radiated from Mary. She was so proud! The heat radiated from the wall next to the furnace room.
See also: radiate
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • radiate
  • radiate from (someone or something)
  • glare down
  • have (got) a glow on
  • have a glow on
  • felt
  • nuker
  • be about to (do something)
  • be about to do something
  • piping hot
References in classic literature
Five of these great thoroughfares radiate from one ample centre--a centre which is exceedingly well adapted to the accommodation of heavy artillery.
Her narrow, humdrum existence bloomed under the dews that fell from this fresh spirit; her dullness brightened under the kindling touch of the younger mind, took fire from the "vital spark of heavenly flame" that seemed always to radiate from Rebecca's presence.
That intense blast forces the surface of the metal to form nanostructures and microstructures that dramatically alter how efficiently can radiate from the filament.
Long, thin filaments radiate from the umbra into a brighter surrounding region called the penumbra.
Sweat does not evaporate as fast when the relative humidity is high and heat does not radiate from the skin quickly when there is too little gradient between skin temperature and air temperature.
Five pairs of double beams radiate from the southern (upper) edge of the park in a way variously compared by Hecker to the fingers of a hand or the leaves of an open book.