7, 2018, the Sandiganbayan acquitted Revilla of plunder but convicted his legislative officer, Richard Cambe, and Napoles, saying the two had pocketed P124.5 million from his
pork barrel funds.
WHAT WENT BEFORE: De Lima opens probe of pork barrel scam
''I've talked to some congressmen who expressed anxiety that the
pork barrel allocations of at least 60 congressmen were slashed post bicameral ratification,'' he explained.
Lacson scores persistent pork insertion, possibly cause of delay in transmission of budget bill
The public has all along been aware of the reprehensible practices associated with the
pork barrel system, and some senators, Sen.
The pork barrel monster
If the bicam insertions are to be split equally, senators will share P62.2 billion or 63 percent of the P99-billion "pizza pie," as Lacson calls the
pork barrel, while the 291 House members will have P36.5 billion or 37 percent to divide among themselves.
Senate, House to share P99-billion 'pork barrel' in 2019
(../Aug%2029/Fugitive%20Businesswoman%20Behind%20P10%20Billion%20Pork%20Barrel%20Scam%20Surrenders%20to%20Philippine%20President.docx) Fugitive Businesswoman Behind P10 Billion
Pork Barrel Scam Surrenders to Philippine President
Janet Lim-Napoles Watch: NBI Files Plunder Case vs. Pork Barrel Scam Queen, 3 Senators; Enrile Has High Blood Pressure (VIDEO & MEME PHOTOS)
Reports said that some P35 billion in
pork barrel funds of senators and congressmen was included in next year's national budget.
Duterte will veto any 'pork' insertions in 2020 budget-Palace
Drudge, "
Pork Barrel Spending Emerging as Presidential Campaign Issue").
Pork barrel
pork barrel system is akin to earmarking tax revenues.
A good turned bad
This accusation was made by movie public relations manager Lolit Solis - whose talents include Senator Ramon Revilla Jr, one of the senators named by a Commission on Audit report as having shared his
pork barrel fund with Ms Lim-Napoles.
Janet Lim-Napoles Watch: Pork Barrel Scam Queen Joins Wheelchair Meme Club (PHOTOS)
'Incumbent congressman and senator have an edge because they have the
pork barrel funds at their disposal,' he added.
Duterte dared to junk pork; Lacson confident he will
To set an example, he proposed that the "
pork barrel" allocated for him be subtracted from the annual appropriations budget.
Senator Lacson's lonely crusade
In an interview on Sunday, Lacson disclosed he was provided an initial copy of the 'juggled' allocations in the proposed budget that were touched and transferred to lawmakers'
pork barrel funds.
Lacson: House version of 2019 budget to undergo close scrutiny
One such meme, seen below, rides on the popularity of the scary movie The Conjuring by having the character of the chief antagonist in the
pork barrel scandal, businesswoman Janet Lim-Napoles, hang from the tree taken from the movie's art work and retitled, The Corrupting.
From The Conjuring to My Husband's Lover: Viral Memes for Philippine Pork Barrel Scandal (VIDEOS & PHOTOS)
Pork barrel now 14 times larger than when outlawed !-- -- As Filipinos were securing their locales from terrorists the past week, lawmakers were busy securing personal
pork barrels.
Pork barrel now 14 times larger than when outlawed