Status Seeker is competitive and seeks status symbols such as becoming an "Elite Yelper." Along with Communitarians, they tend to post unbiased reviews in their quest to rack up votes for the "most useful" reviews.
Reviewing 'everyone's a critic'
They may become a
Status Seeker, a Scorned Woman or a Social Nymph.
Seeking sex by any means necessary: how to get control of your romantic life without giving up on love
A true
Status Seeker would want the stadium in which the Promise Keepers are hugging each other to be named after him/her.
Flying MVP in a coach world
Status Seeker: He puts his career before his family.
Relationship: Kick-start the man in your life; Hannah Stevenson discovers a few tricks to persuade him to share those household chores
The good doctor identifies strategies to deal with the whole spectrum of these chore dodgers (and, by default if nothing else, proponents of unequal opportunities), whether they come into the category of boy, worrier, perfectionist or
status seeker.
So lazy husbands
STATUS SEEKER He puts his career before his family.
Viva!: Have you got the world's laziest hubby; Here's how to turn him into a domestic superman
It serves equally the
status seeker, out to impress his business clients, and the genuine opera lover for whom the art is everything.
"Some see the growing headphone movement as 'socially alienating' and 'destructive of relationships' and its members as '
status seekers' and 'elitists,'" The New York Times pointed out in 1981.
What Happens When You Always Wear Headphones
First, Jesus' critique of the scribes' habits is a call to beware of pretentious
status seekers and every advertisement that tells us which product will make us important, loveable or enviable.
Evaluate your giving: NOVEMBER 11, 2018, THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44
120 addresses in 40 countries across the five continents appeals to modern
status seekers, who have something special and unique that makes them stand out from the crowd.
Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila and the German Club Celebrates the 78th Oktoberfest
He mockingly refers to the emergent black middle class as "black
status seekers" in a poem of that title in Jol'iinkomo.
Mafika Pascal Gwala (1947-2014) the poet-activist and the mirage of freedom
status seekers may collect necessary documents and obtain refugee status within 6 months.
475 people obtain refugee status in Kyrgyzstan
The research by online travel company, reveals that 45 per cent of us are holiday
status seekers and a further 39 per cent experience 'passport stamp envy' - putting us second only to Londoners.
TRAVEL: Increase your stamp collection; You can't judge a book by its cover, but can you judge someone by the holiday they take? Travel Editor Paul Groves investigates
Fashionable to the hilt with an infusion of international celebrities and new millionaires, the region has more recently produced a line of overblown mansions that many consider a social mistake by
status seekers.